1 | What Ghost?

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A/N: please listen to the song above.

Adrien's P.O.V

Miss Bustier walked around the class, handing out report cards. I wanted nothing more than to open mine right that second, but I knew I couldn't do it right there and then.

Everything was riding on this. I knew one flimsy report card didn't seem like it was going to cost me much but I knew my father. One word about me not doing well and I'd be out there faster than Amy left Paul Blart from Mall Cop: I.

And she left that marriage in six days, so I knew I'd be toast if every grade wasn't an A.

I barely listened to my teachers for the rest of the day. All I could think of was that stupid report card. It was only a few words but everything was riding on it. An email had already been sent to my father containing my results so I knew he must have already seen them, but I couldn't help but worry.

What if I got below a C? What would my father do?

The bell rang, crisp and slicing through my thoughts like a knife thrown at a dart board. It shocked me so much that I snapped to attention, shooting up and looking around for the danger.

Only to find there wasn't any.

I felt his classmates' eyes on me, probably wondering why I was so edgy today. Instead of humoring them, I legged it out of class and went straight to the boys' bathroom, opening a stall door and sitting on the toilet lid before locking the door.

Plagg flew out of my white jacket and crossed his arms, saying, "Adrien, calm down. I don't even know why you're stressed, it's just a piece of paper."

"You're right Plagg. I should stop worrying. It'll all be OK, right?" I said, trying to convince myself.

"Yeah, kid. So just open the envelope," he ordered.

I did as he said, slowly peeling the top of the brown envelope off until it was fully open. I slipped the white card out.

Mathematics - A

Literacy - A

Biology - A

Physics - A

Chemistry - B

Art - A

Music - A

D & T - A

Physical Education - A

Spanish - A

French - A

Chinese - A

Home ec. - B

Teacher's comment:
Adrien is really intelligent and committed when he wants to be. The trouble is, his recent works have clearly been lacking effort and are sloppily done. Please try harder.

I stared at the white card as the minutes ticked by. I was silent, unmoving, as Plagg read my report over my shoulder.

My hands began to shake, the card falling out of my hands and onto the floor. Plagg could see I was about to have a breakdown.

"Hey, hey, it's not that bad, I promise. It's just two B's, I'm sure your father won't mind," he tried to calm me down.

But it was too late; the tears were already rolling and sobs were choking their way through my throat, and I couldn't stop myself anymore. Plagg knew it was useless trying to comfort me so he just watched me cry and rubbed my back in a supportive manner.

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