14 | Can You Stop With The Shade

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Gabriel's P.O.V

"H-hello," I stammered, not actually sure what to say once he had picked up.

"Gabriel? Is that you?" he asked sharply.

After all these years, he still recognized my voice. That alone was enough to make my heart race, my palms sweat and my breathing irregular. I almost dropped the phone. He chuckled.

"It is you. You still have the same reaction to anything that startles you."

I could hear the smile in his voice.

"It's me," I whispered, voice cracking at the edge.

"Gabriel? What's wrong?" he asked immediately.

I stayed silent, so did he. Just listening to each other's breathing. Knowing that each of us were alive. Maybe not well, maybe not fine, but very much alive, and that was enough for me. It was something we'd did all the time when we were boyfriends, and even thought we hadn't seen each other in years, not a thing had changed.

"Calm down, Gabe. I'm alive. You're alive. We're breathing, we're still here. We're safe. Just keep breathing. Keep being alive," Dorian soothes, sensing my panic.

"I'm here. I'm alive," I blabber, breathless.

"Yes, you are. Now tell me what's wrong," he says soothingly.

"M-my son..." I manage to squeeze out.

"You mean you and Emily's son? What does that have to do with me?" he snaps instantly, changing tones.

"He's missing. I don't- I don't know who else to call, Dori. You have to help me," I beg.

"You don't call me in 14 years, and when you do, it's just so you can find your son? No thanks, Gabriel."

"You know why I didn't call. Don't pretend you don't," I sigh.

There was a silence for a bit.

"Okay," he sighs.

"Okay?" I clarify.

"Okay," he re-affirms, "I'll help you find your son... If you go on a date with me after."

"What?!" I splutter, choking on my own spit. I coughed for a few minutes before catching my breath and repeating what I said.

"Take it or leave it, Gabe," he chuckled.



Luka's P.O.V

It had been 2 weeks, and I was already so lost without him. Every day, it was just like I going through the motions. There was no meaning to any of my actions. I couldn't help but feel like I'd felt lost like this once before.

In a dream I'd once had, where I'd saved him from jumping off a roof and from there our relationship had blossomed, with us getting married at the end of the dream. This dream happened before I'd even met him in that bathroom, but I'd seen him once or twice before then, maybe on the billboards of Paris.

Even though the dreams had long since stopped, I couldn't help but think... What would we be like as a married couple?

However, this was not the time to fantasize. Félix, the devil, had been going to his school, making friends with his friends, pretending to date me, threatening that we'd never find Adrien if we didn't co-operate. At first, I wondered why him wanting the miraculouses had anything to do with Adrien, and then it clicked.

Adrien = Chat Noir. How had I managed to forget that? Regardless, it was clear that Félix wouldn't be getting what he wanted any time soon, since Hawkmoth, had decided to curse us and go on a hiding spree, right when, for the first time in our lives, we actually fucking needed him. Just great.

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