10 | You're Not My Son Pt.1

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Félix's P.O.V

That was easier than I expected. He was a lot less loud than what I had anticipated, and no one would hear him in his basement. I walked back to my guest room, pleased with myself.

Now that Adrien was locked inside his own basement, and I had his silver ring and his phone, all I needed was Ladybug's earrings, and then I could have that wish - and bring back my father. So mother could be happy again.

I slipped the ring on my finger. I wouldn't how long it would take for Adrien to figure out it was gone. I then left my room, and went into Adrien's one. I got into his bed and slept there, so when I woke up tomorrow, people would think I was Adrien.

I'd briefed my mother on my plan, so that she could say that I ran away. That way, suspicion wouldn't arise about why one of us was gone.

I fell into an easy sleep, grinning as I thought about the sleepless night that lay ahead for Adrien Agreste.


Adrien's P.O.V

It was dark. So very, very, dark, with just the light around my mother's coffin there. So many questions were running across my mind. Why was she down here? How was her body so... Not rotted? So perfectly kept? Why wasn't it decomposing? Why couldn't I stop thinking of radioactive rats?

And then I saw it. The plug wire, the machine in the corner. It all screamed 'LIFE SUPPORT'. It took me a few moments. But I finally realised... My mother was not dead.

I gasped, trembling as I tried to pull my hands out of the cuffs. Failure. It tasted sour in my mouth. I then thought to transform into Chat Noir and use cataclysm - but I didn't have my ring. Félix had taken it along with my phone.

I wondered what Luka was doing right now. Did he know I'd been locked up? Probably not. Would he think to call for help? Probably so. But I was almost certain that Félix would be pretending to be me. All I could hope for was that Luka would be able to tell the difference between him and I.

Sometime ago, during the month where he'd been sneaking into my house, I'd told him about my freakishly similar-looking cousin, Félix. Cold smile, cold eyes, I'd said. Cold hands, cold heart, I'd warned. Cold guy. C o l d.

It was probably around 5 AM now. I wouldn't know. All I knew was that I missed Luka. And these cuffs really hurt.


Félix's P.O.V

I woke up at exactly 6:59 AM; seconds before Adrien's alarm clock went off. I went and brushed my teeth, had a shower, and put on some of Adrien's clothes. He wore the same clothes every day, the tasteless goon, so it wasn't hard to mimic his dressing style.

I went downstairs, to see my mother in a fit of tears, and Gabriel looking severely uncomfortable.

"What is it, father?" I asked in what I hoped was a voice similar to Adrien's. His father raised his eyebrows but did not speak a word.

"It appears your good-for-nothing cousin has run away," he answered, with no remorse. I gritted my teeth in anger, about to snap back with something equally as mean when I realised I was supposed to be pretending to be Adrien. And that meant acting sickly sweet.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I stated instead, raising a brow.

I made to start walking back to my room when Adrien's father stopped me by saying, "Are you not supposed to be on your way to school now?"

That surprised me. I had thought that Adrien had been pulled from school, but it seemed he hadn't. This wasn't part of the plan. How was I to go to school when I needed to feed Adrien?

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