6 | You'll Get Arrested

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Adrien's P.O.V

I opened the window before screeching at him, "What are you doing here?!"

He laughed and motioned for me to let him in, which I did, before screeching about how he was going to get arrested how he was never going to see the light of day again if he was caught inside my room.

He sighed in an agitated manner, the sound of the rain outside fitting perfectly with the sound of his breathing.

"D'you want me to go then?"

"No, no, it's just... Wait, how did you even get here?" I wondered aloud.

"I took the bus...?"

I facepalmed before giving him some serious side eye.

"I mean, how did you manage to get in my house?" I tried again.

"...You let me in," he deadpanned, "Adrien, are you sure you're feeling alright today?"

I flopped down onto my bed, refusing to answer his question. He was clearly taking the mickey. Instead, I looked at him, quizzical, before shaking my head and letting out a breathless laugh. I was friends with this calm, wonderfully wacky, blue-haired person. Never in a million years did I think someone could get in to the Agreste Mansion without being seen on CCTV.

But he'd done it. And he was ridiculously happy about it, too. He crossed his arms and puffed up his chest and boasted, "Told you I could do it." But he looked ridiculous as he said it, because his hair was plastered to his forehead due to the rain.

I stood from my bed and walked over to him, brushing his wet hair out of his eyes. I stared at him.

"You came all the way out here in the rain, for me?" I whispered.

"Well, I started coming here as soon as you said you weren't allowed to go to school anymore, and it started raining when I was about a quarter of the way here, so I had to run," he explained.

"You ran in the rain... For me?" I breathed.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," he shrugged.

I don't know why I burst into tears at that, but I did. I cried and cried and Luka stood there, shook.

"Hey, what's wrong? I didn't mean to make you cry, I swear I didn't," he rushed to say.

"You didn't," I replied in a croaky voice, my tears choking me, "I don't know what's wrong with me. Sorry."

"No, no, it's fine. Are you okay?" he asked, eyebrows creasing.

I was about to tell him yes, I really was, but then I thought better of it. It was like a flip switched inside me. I uttered a broken, "No," and completely broke down. I couldn't stop crying, and Luka just guided me to my bed and sat me down. He sat next to me.

"Would you like to talk about it?" he questioned. He looked genuinely worried, and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"I'm sorry. I just feel so alone. I've always felt so alone, even before my father let me go to school. It got a bit better when I went to school, sure, but even when I was amongst my friends, loneliness was just around the corner. It'd always wait for me, the second I left my friends.

I don't know why I do this to myself, but my mind comes up with different senarios and situations where my friends secretly hate me, and talk about me behind my back, and for some reason, I always think it's real, even though they're really nice people and never do anything mean to me.

I always feel like I'm a constant disappointment and I always try to make up for that by getting good grades but it just isn't enough. I can't help but feel like no one likes me, and that I'll always be alone, even though everyone around me shows such support!

I read meaning into every little thing, every little reaction, and every little bit of body language a person shows, and it all equates to no one liking me, even though I know that's not true. I don't know why.

And there's just so many responsibilities, and things that I'm supposed to be that I'm just not, you know?

No one even likes Chat Noir, my alter ego! Even when I'm a superhero no one likes me, and I'm so, so, tired of having this voice at the back of my head that keeps telling me I'm useless. I'm so, so, tired," I sobbed, word after word coming out. Once they were flowing, there was no stopping them.

It was then that I realised what I'd just said. "No one even likes Chat Noir, my alter ego. Even when I'm a superhero no one likes me..."

Had I just revealed my identity? My eyes snapped up to Luka's face, searching desperately for any sign that he'd missed what I'd just blurted out, but no such luck. There was a shocked look on his face, and I just shut my eyes, waiting for the storm of surprise.

But he didn't say anything. Not a word.

He just held me tighter (which made me slightly wet). And, for the second time in my life, I fell asleep with a blue haired boy's fingers tangled in my hair, and dried tears on my cheeks.

This time, it wasn't as sound.


When I woke up, he was gone. I'd somehow been tucked into bed, and my shoes were placed neatly beside my desk. It was then that I noticed a note there.


You fell asleep, and it would've been weird to wait for you to wake up so we could talk again. I know you revealed something to me that you probably wish you haven't, and while I can't say that I'll forget about it, I promise no to tell anyone or bug you about it (that much).

But I think you're so, so, cool for being that and I don't think you realise that you're a really awesome person, and loads of people like you. I get that you still feel like people don't, even though you know they do. I know it's a complex thing and I don't really understand it but I'm here to help.

See you soon.

          Your 'Honey'.

Love your honey, is what he wrote. I felt my heart flutter. That one word had made me imagine things I could never have, fantasize about different things I mentioned.

That one word.


A/N: so I know in this chapter, Adrien has a bit of a pretty long soliloquy, and I'm sorry about that lmao.

It's just, when I was writing it, I realised that's how I felt. That I connected with that so badly on another level, and that it came from the parts of me that I refused to think about. And it just made me feel sad.

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Alrighty, I'm out kids!

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Alrighty, I'm out kids!

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