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Gabriel's P.O.V

I didn't know what to say to that. So instead, I stood, gaping like a fish as he followed Adrien is his boyfriend (I still shiver every time I think of it) into the house.

Dorian ignored me for the rest of the day. Around 10 hours later I caught him slipping out of the door. I went out after him.

"Where are you going?" I asked hurriedly.

"Home," came his short reply.

There was about a second of silence. I sighed, knowing I would probably regret what I was about to say.

"What about that date?"

Dorian turned around slowly. And smirked. Before I could even comprehend anything, his lips were on mine as he pushed me back into the house. I couldn't even begin to process what was happening. All I knew was that liked it, wanted it. And made sure Dorian knew.

So much happened that night. We talked, laughed, kissed a little more, got piss-drunk (something which I did rarely), and then laughed like madmen.

I woke up on my bed, with Dorian beside me.

It was home.


Adrien's P.O.V

He seemed to think it was his fault. I cauld tell that much as the silence didn't break. He wouldn't look at me, wouldn't touch me. It was almost as if he believed he would break me if he did.

The two of us sat on my bed together, cross-legged and watching Boku No Hero Academia on my laptop. I hit the space bar, pausing the episode.

"It's not your fault," I said.

He didn't answer. Instead, Luka stared straight at the screen until the screen went black. He was trying his best not to face me, and instead was chanelling all his concentration into the blank screen.

"I mean it. Look at me, Luka." He turned around slowly, as if it hurt him. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "I love you. And what happened to me was not your fault."

He broke down in tears. His head lay on my chest as I just let him cry it out. When he finished, we just returned to watching BNHA, as if nothing had happened.


The comforting thought of Félix being in a prison cell had me smiling as soon as I got up. But it was the fact that Luka was next to me that kept that smile there. I couldn't help but feel like this was our 'see you next time', our first real chapter.

It was like, the first book of our lives had ended, and this sequel was set to be thrilling. And for some reason, seeing the small smile etched onto my boyfriend's sleeping face was more than enough for me.


Gabriel's P.O.V

The next morning was anything but awkward. We smiled, chatted to each other casually as if nothing out of the blue had happened last night.

Dorian insisted on taking me on a date, saying last night didn't really count. He took me to the eiffel tower.

"Such a sentimentalist," I laughed and I felt the breeze on my skin.

"Only for you, Gabey Baby," he replied, winking before blowing me a kiss.

He got me a hot cross bun (big spender that he is) and watched longingly as I ate it. Eventually I relented and gave him some.

"You could've just got one for yourself!" I practically squeaked, throat hoarse from laughter.

"Yes, but then I wouldn't have gotten to see that beautiful smile."

When he drove me back home, he went straight to the kitchen and made me a cold coffee (per my request). It. Was. Delicious. Dorian had this habit of putting mounds of sugar and evaporated milk in the coffee he made, and he was no less generous with the whipped cream.

I drank all of it in less than two minutes, so that if Dorian suddenly decided he wanted some, there wouldn't be anything else. A few hours later, we were outside, in the back garden, staring up at the clouds in the sky.

"Floor is lava!" Dorian exclaimed, before standing up.

I stayed on the ground, "Just let me die then."

He frowned before chuckling.

"Oh, no. What are you pla—" I felt the air being knocked out of my lungs as he jumped onto me. Damn, he was a heavy glass and half. "Get off me you cow. If the lava doesn't kill me, you will."

He looked at me, stared into my soul as the cliché goes, and in that moment I knew what he was going to do. So I jumped up and ran, screaming, "Please don't tickle me, I hate it!"

Dorian laughed as he ran after me, hands outstretched in a menacing manner. I absolutely hated being tickled, and consequently Dorian liked to do it to me. A lot.

By the time he caught me, my lungs were on fire.

"You're so unhealthy, honestly," he commented.

I glared at him. "Tickle me, I dare you. Just don't be annoyed if I piss on you," I told him seriously.

He rolled his eyes but didn't take his chances.


Luka's P.O.V

"I wonder what will happen next," blurted Adrien.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we've been locked in a bathroom together, you've been sneaking into my house, you and I became boyfriends, I got locked in a basement filled with butterflies and what I believed to be my dead mother's body - I still need to ask my dad about that - and now I find out that my dad actually has a friend? What? I mean my father? Having a friend? A radioactive rat zombie invasion is more likely (I'm still sticking with both paint drinking otters and vengeful power mice)! So the question is, what will happen next?"

"Hmm. I do wonder."

A/N: That was the last chapter! It's slightly shorter than the others and has an abrupt ending, but the epilogue will clear stuff up.

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