9 | Mother...

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Adrien's P.O.V

I payed him no mind. At the time, I hadn't known that he was a raging psychopath or that he hated me more than he cared to admit. Because if I had, I'd've run away screaming.

No, instead I just went to my room, and sat on my bed. I texted Luka to say he couldn't come to my house. He sent a plethora of messages asking if it was about what was on the news, but I just turned my phone off and sighed. I seemed to be doing a lot of that these days. Plagg flew out of my DVD shelf.

"Don't be so glum, don't be so blue! Come on, I'm sure he can't do anything to you," he sang, whilst eating cheese.

It was nice of him to try and cheer me up, but his cheese was falling out of his mouth as he was singing in a horribly out of tune way. I was just about to reply him when he saw Ladybug outside, jumping from roof to roof. I saw it too.

"Plagg, claws out!"


I jumped out of the window, falling in line with Ladybug as we ran the rooftops of Paris together.

"Who's been akumatized this time?" I asked, amused.

"His name is Silencer. He has the ability to take people's voices. He's in the news channel building," she answered briefly.

Silencer. Why did that sound familiar?

I extended my pole, heading in the direction of the news building.

"Race you there!" I yelled, not looking back.


The news building was quiet. Too quiet. The hallways were pretty clean, but then, in the main news room, where they filmed, there was complete disruption. The cameras were all broken (except one)and there was all kind of rubble on the floor.

Then I remembered why the name 'Silencer' was so familiar. We'd fought this villain before. And his civilian form was... Luka. That rattled me, that realization. He'd been akumatized. Why, because I'd forgotten to return his calls? Because of the news?

I was so distracted, I hadn't seen Ladybug tie up Silencer.

"Now, Chat Noir!" she bellowed.

"Cataclysm," I called out, immediately charging my ring with destructive energy. I then put my hand on his helmet, destroying it. The purple Akuma flew out, and while Ladybug was doing her whole 'Bye bye little butterfly' thing, he detransformed into Luka.

I think I forgot to breathe. He opened his mouth to say something to me, but was interrupted by Ladybug.

"Pound it- Chat Noir? You okay?"

I didn't answer her, I just ran out of the building and all the way home, where I detransformed.

Now back to my normal self, I stood in my room, speechless. He'd been akumatized? Why? Had my silence made him that upset? Was I the cause of that? I went to sleep, with these thoughts plaguing my mind.


I woke up, looking over to my alarm clock, which read 03:12 in bold red numbers. I got up, going straight for the kitchen. I then turned on my phone.

152 new messages from 2 chats.

About 20 of them were from Luka, asking if I was okay, and if I was upset about the news, and stuff like that. He hadn't asked 'why'. I had to smile at that. He was ever so kind.

The rest of them were from my class group chat, asking where I was and how I was doing. I didn't know how to answer them, so I didn't.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I turned around quickly. "Who's there?"

A chuckle. "Don't be so cautious cousin. It's only me," teased Félix. I saw that he was in navy blue velvet pyjamas, just like the ones I was wearing, and his hair was messy, making it look just like mine. For the second time in my life, I saw someone who looked exactly like me.

Anyone would be fooled if they didn't know me well. His smile was different to mine, and the way he carried himself was different. But if you hadn't been trained to look for these things, you wouldn't know.

He was standing right behind me. I was about to turn around to chastise him for being up in the early hours if the morning, when he suddenly wrapped his scarf around my mouth, and another one around my hands, making it so my hands were behind my back.

The change was instant. He grabbed hold of me as I tried to struggle out of his grip. I couldn't do it though; he was too strong. He took me to my mother's portrait, and pressed down on it. What happened next surprised me. We went down, down past a strange place with numerous white butterflies flying around, and down to the basement.

He seized my hair and dragged me by it, to the front of the basement, where there was a golden cylinder. He forced me to look inside.


My mother's body. She looked calm, so calm. Peaceful. Dead. I tried to close my eyes so I didn't have to look anymore. I could feel the tears gathering behind my eyelids.

Félix punched the back of my head and said, "Don't turn away from your mother. Especially since that's how you'll be soon."

I looked at him. Was he mad? Stupid question. Of course he was. I couldn't have just expected him to come to my house and not cause trouble, could I?

He untied my hands, but before I make a run for it, which would be impossible anyway, since I didn't know how to go back up, he brought out a silver pair of hand cuffs, and cuffed me to my mother's grave (grave? Could I call it that?).

He then, gave me one more look of disgust, spat at me, and then left. I watched him go back upstairs. I didn't even try and call out for help. I instinctively reached for my phone, so I could call Luka, but I couldn't find it. I realized Félix must've taken it.

There was no way he hadn't been planning this for a while. I knew exactly what he was going to do.

Steal my life.

A/N: forgive me for the rubbish villain scene. I didn't know what to write. I feel like these last two chapters have been trash 😭

I'm actually supposed to be in a French lesson right now, but I'm skipping it for yall. You better be grateful and give me a vote at least.

 You better be grateful and give me a vote at least

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