4 | Honey 👉🚪

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Adrien's P.O.V

Waking up in another guys' lap is something I've never done before. I'm just not that type of person, see.

Waking up in another guys' lap on a cold bathroom floor with a strange blue hoodie posing as a blanket to cover the both of us was beyond my imagination.

So imagine the surprise I felt when I realised that was exactly what had happened. I panicked for a second, and shot straight up, causing the sleeping boy beneath me to wake up abruptly.

"Hmmm," he hummed, clearly fatigued as he stretched his arms wide and groaned in distaste. You could tell it took him a second to remember everything too, and when he did, he stood up to greet me.

"Good morning," I said.

"Mmmm," he replied incoherently.

I took my phone out of my back pocket and turned it on again, immediately being attacked by multiple notifications.

Stalker_Mari: so glad you're safe!

DJ_Dude: why didn't you go home dude?

And loads of other comments that reiterated what the first two had said. I sighed and saw it was 8:33AM. I'm guessing Luka must've seen the same thing because he suddenly snapped awake and said, "We're late!"

"Yes," I responded with dry amusement, "We are."

A moment of silence.

"Well then aren't you going to try and run to your class or something cute like that?" he wondered aloud.

"Oh. No way. I haven't had a shower; I'm in the same clothes as yesterday. I haven't even brushed my teeth. And my hair comb's broken since I sat on it throughout the night," I explained.

"...So you're going back home?"

"Negative. I know we just met but I was wondering if we could go to yours. I'm sure Juleka is already in class and you told me last night that your mum went to work everyday," I practically begged.

"Of course," he agreed, "Sure."

I patted myself down and said, "Okay, what's the best way to sneak out?"

"Well, we can't go through the front gates, so we're going to have to try and see if there's an entrance at the back that we can go through," he explained.

"You're quite the expert at sneaking out, huh?" I teased.

"You know I am, honey."

We tried the handle on the door; we assumed he'd unlocked the door whilst we'd been sleeping.

The rest was smooth sailing. Everybody was in class, so it turned out we could go through the front after all.

From there Luka and I practically legged it to his house. It was empty and quiet; a beautiful house bout that floated on the water peacefully. He unlocked his door and let me in, before locking the door behind us. He motioned for me to follow him.

"This is my bedroom," he said, "You can use the shower - there's towels in there - and I'll set out some clothes on my bed for you."

And so that's what I did; took a nice long shower and emerged, towel wrapped around my lower half. Just like Luka has promised, he'd set some clothes out for me on his bed.

I threw them on and navigated my way to his living room, where he sat.

"You know, we're actually still officially 'missing', and I'm lowkey enjoying it," Luka said dryly with a hint of amusement.

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