7 | Boy Friend Or Boyfriend?

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Adrien's P.O.V

Life without going to school was worthless. I was just going though the motions, without any reason to. The days were boring, filled with French presidents and Chinese lessons and pretending to play the piano when really it was a recording on my phone.

I hadn't got a single text from any of my class mates, and it did a number on my self esteem. To put it simple, it hit rock bottom.

The only thing keeping me sane was Luka, who'd always come and visit me in the night. He'd always come over, and then I'd fall asleep, and he'd leave a different note each day for me to wake up to. It'd been like that everyday for the past month.

I yawned, stretching my arms wide, and lazily turned over to see what Luka's latest note was.

I yawned, stretching my arms wide, and lazily turned over to see what Luka's latest note was

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I think my heart stopped beating for a second. He'd left a rose on the side of my table, to top it off.

What did he mean, he loved me? Did he mean as a friend? A best friend? As family? I knew it had to be one of the three, because there weren't any other ways he could've meant it, right?

I decided I'd ask him when he came over tonight. I could hardly concentrate on my lessons. I was just waiting for night to come.


When he finally came, I was grinning from ear to ear in my black designer pyjamas. I opened the window, and I let him in again.

"Hello Honey," he chuckled, "You seem excited to see me."

"I am," I admitted, which only caused him to smile even further.

We sat down on my bed, and I swung my legs back and forward in a nervous manner. The were a silence in the room for a fee seconds.

"So when you say you love me, you mean as a friend right? Because there's obviously no other way you could mean it, duh. I'm so dumb. I mean clearly you meant as a friend or a best friend- wait- Am I your best friend? That's brilliant! I love you too, friend. That's absolutely gr-" I rambled.

He cut me off with an amused smile, "When I say I love you, I mean this."

And then he kissed me, square on the lips. A memorable kiss. My first one. Soft and tender and calm, just like Luka. Beautiful. It lasted for about a second. It was gone as soon as it had come.

Luka had a shocked look on his face, as if he couldn't believe he'd just done that. I mirrored his expression. I brought my hand up to my lips slowly, brushing over where he'd just kissed. I stared at him.

"Wait, so was that a friendly kiss or...?" I asked.

He groaned and laughed. He'd looked so nervous a second ago, and then I'd asked that question and suddenly he was in hysterics. What was so funny?

"I don't understand," I huffed.

"No, Adrien, that wasn't a 'friendly kiss'. That was an 'I've been sneaking into your high-tech house for the last month and I've fallen in love with you and want you to be my boyfriend kiss'," he said.

My mouth fell wide open. I'd been struck dumb. This shit was harder than calculus.

"When you say 'boyfriend' do you mean boy, space, friend, or boy, no space, friend?" I questioned.

You could tell he was starting to get exasperated, you could. I could hear the 'smack' sound his palm hitting his forehead made.

"Why are you making this difficult?" I mused, "Just answer my questions."

He gritted his teeth, "Adrien Agreste, I am having homosexual romantic feelings towards you. Feelings that make me want to claim you as my own. Feelings that make me want to kiss you whenever I want."

Wow. You can't get more blunt than that.

"Oh," I replied dumbly. I didn't know what to say. "Well, um..."

He burst into laughter, standing up and gripping his sides, shaking as his shoulders rose and fell, the sound of his melodic laughter filling the room.

"What's funny?" I grumbled, crossing my arms.

"You," he cackled, "Your face. It- You just looked so confused and unsure at the same time, and it was so... Cute."


"I'm not cute, I'm hot," I stood, flipping my hair and shaking my hips from side to side, over-exaggerating my 'catwalk'.

I think Luka lost the ability to breathe. He didn't say anything, didn't do anything, just stared at me as I got the hat Marinette had made for me that one time, put it on my head, and began to walk around the room (keeping in mind I still had my pj's on).

I strutted around the room in a circle, stopping to do various poses. Luka wasn't moving. I think I'd broken him.

I suddenly stopped, walked up to Luka, placing my index finger on his lips, before removing it and replacing it with my own lips. I broke the kiss off, before whispering in his ear, "See? Hot." And then I licked it.

I couldn't keep it together after that. I started laughing like a madman, and Luka soon joined. It was only when I heard an, "Adrien, what's going on up there? I'm coming up!" from Nathalie that we sobered up.

We had about fifteen seconds until Nathalie got to my room.

"Shower, let's go in the shower!" I shrieked quietly.

I pushed him into the shower, locking the door behind us. I turned it on. We were just in time, because Nathalie reached my room just then.

"Adrien?" she called out, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah! Just in the shower!"

I could hear her leaving.

"If you wanted to get me alone in the shower, you could've just asked," whispered Luka dryly.

I responded to him by getting on my tip toes and biting his ear.

"Ow! That hurt," he whined.

"You'll have to get used to it if you want me to be your boyfriend."

A/N: yo! Ik it's fast right? At least I waited 7 chapters tho. In Hollow, they got together in the 4th one, and in Problems, they also got together in the 4th one. I managed to hold out for 3 more chapters 😭❤️

Alright imma go brood in a corner now and contemplate how cute (or 'hot' Adrien would want me to say) those two are ;>

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