13 | Just A Dream

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Adrien's P.O.V

It went on for weeks, maybe months. He'd come down every night, taunt me with food I couldn't have, and then hit me with a spatula. Only once a day. One hit.

He didn't give me food. He gave me water though. He put it in a bottle and left it beside me, so I could drink from it. He'd fill it up every night.

He never told me why he was doing this; just that he was making great friends with my friends, and that my father and Luka didn't know I was gone. That part always got to me. Had they forgotten me? Had Félix really tricked them?

"That hurts," I moaned to myself, groaning as I managed to roll up my trousers a little. When I saw the bruises that were littered around my ankle and upwards, I groaned again, tears filling my eyes.

I'd accepted that I was going to die here, but I just wanted to get closure before that happened. To kiss Luka one last time. We hadn't even been boyfriends for more than 3 days before I'd been kidnapped, but we'd been friends long before that. Not much had changed, we'd just kiss a little, but our dynamic was still the same.

I missed him. I needed him. He was the only person who I'd seen in months that I wasn't related to. And now, for what I guessed had to be a week or two, the only person I had been seeing was Félix.

And, if I was being honest with myself, it was driving me to madness.


Félix's P.O.V

I stared at the cat-bug like creature who I had captured. He was desperately trying to move out of my grip, trying to phase through my hands, but I'd read up about kwamis, and I'd developed a formula to rid it of its powers. It couldn't even assist transformation anymore.

"Let... Me... Go...!" it strained, struggling to wriggle out of my grasp.

"Yeah, no. What's your name? Tell me how to get to Ladybug," I demanded.

"My name is Plagg, and if you want to know where to find Ladybug, watch the news like the rest of us instead of acting high and mighty—"

I cut it off, squeezing it harder. 'Plagg' hissed in pain.

"Tell. Me. How. To. Get. To. Ladybug," I grunted.

"First, you break into Adrien's room and pretend to be him, then you insult my cheese and get rid of it, then you rid me of my powers, and now, you're harassing me! I have a mind to file a formal complaint!" Plagg humphed.

"You can if you want, right after I get what I want. I doubt the police'll listen to a bug mouse," I sneered.

"I am not a bug mouse," it growled in indignation.

"Whatever," I said flippantly, releasing my grip, "No one knows anything anymore. I've always got to do the work by myself."


Gabriel's P.O.V

A negative emotion. A strong one. Frustration. I immediately ran down to the portrait of Adrien's mother, pressing down on the right places. It lead to under the Agreste mansion.

I looked around the purple room. Usually, there were butterflies, but this time, there were not. They'd run out. I scoffed in disbelief. Of course they had run out.

I then decided to go even further under the mansion, to the basement, where Emilie was. There, I could get more butterflies.

But as I went to her, I noticed something. There was something... No, someone chained to her coffin thingy (well, what you call it? It's a coffin that doesn't have a dead person inside. There is nothing else to call it).

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