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Our doors unlocked. Gemma is a scout and I am a warrior. We were to report to the boiler room. She went out another way. She told me I would only slow her down. So I gave her my gun and went.

I couldn't believe we were going to do this. Soon I will be able to see my family again and visit my brother. I walked down the hall alarms rang for a second and lights were red in the hall but, then the alarms stopped. I heard an explosion out side. a helicopter went down and causes weren't working right. The cars work on electricity from the sun. If you kill the battery they don't work. I ran down the hall. A guard tried to stop me. We squared off. He said, "Just go back to your room young-"  

I kicked him in the chest. He fell to the ground gasping for air. all the anger in the world came up to me. James' death, me being in here, me being suppressed because I was born a female, young girls taught that it's okay to let guys do what they will with them was because that's what a lady does. All because of men like this one. I put my foot on his throat and took his gun and pointed it at him. My hand steady with the gun in it. I looked him in the eyes. He was at my mercy. I could end his life right now. I could hear James in my head, "everything has it's place in this world." But, does this man belong? I shot him in the leg and said, "Be glad I let you live today. Other who encounter me might mot be as lucky."

I ran down the hall and guards came running down. I hid in the corner and let them pass. I headed down to the boiler room once more. When I got there, drums did not beat. Everyone in mixed clothing from uniformed to girls with a shirt and pants on like me rushed about. I found May and said, "What is our plan?"

"Go report to Wolf." She said. So I did. Wolf was "drawing out plans. She said, "There will be five teams. And-" She saw me and said, "Ah, my second. Glad you could join us." I said, "Guards caught me. Is Josh here?" 

She shook her head no, "No, but don't worry the girls here know he's on our side. He's working with the hackers to stop anyone from going out or in. Okay, so each team will clear out each block, Each leader will have a walk-ie-talkie. If you need to bring guys back, fine. Whatever. If they want to join us, even better. Chione, Emily, Jessica, Nikki and, Kole. You are leaders of teams of five. Not to many men left though. Look women, I know that you might not want to hurt or possibly kill but, if you are the police and military of our movement. I know, it's going to be hard but, it has to be done. Now gear up. We'll be heading out soon."

We all geared up. I talked to my team. There was a young twelve year old there who had dyed her hair in all sorts of crazy colors and had tattoo's up both of her arms. I asked her, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

She said, "Yeah. My family is dead because of the government... all but my dad who is a doctor..." She cocked her gun and looked at me with a wicked gaze, "It's 'bout time this ended. It's gotta stop somewhere. It better stop with us." She walked away joning some of her friends. 

I knew Jessica from somewhere. Oh! She was the girl who push Gemma in the mud. I said to her, "So... Jessica..." 

She gave me a look and said, "Look let's be civil. I'm sorry about your young friend. I shouldn't have done that."

I said, "Well. If you have told Gemma that then we are okay." 

"I did."

"Okay. Then we're good." I said and clapped her on the back.

All the sudden. Gemma crashed into the boiler room with two guns in her hands and yelled, "I am the spy and you will stop all of this!"

Wolf sprang into action. She shot her in the arm and calf. Gemma went down in pain. Wolf put handcuffs on her. I gave her a hurt look. All she did was laugh in my face. A nurse helped her stop the bleeding. The room of organized chaos resumed. 

How could she do that to me. My friend. Someone who I would think to be a little sister. I went over to her and I even surprised myself by slapping her. She said, "Okay. I deserved that."

I grunted and said, "You should have got shot in the head! How!? I considered you a sister!"

She gulped, "They were going to not only kill my little brother but, torture him and-" she looked down, "We shouldn't be fighting like this."

Rage went up inside of me. I grabbed her by the throat. Her eyes met mine. She was so young. So, naive and, impressionable. All she wanted was to take care of her family. I saw me in her eyes. A weak part of me. The young part of me. She gasped and was crying, "I'm sorry Chi! Please! Don't kill me."

I let her go and I walked over to my group.

I thought about what I was doing here. What would the rest of the world think about me and what we are doing? I looked down at my gun and my vest. I had the pants and shirt I came in. I put my helmet on. I hope that my brother James isn't watching from his grave. He would never forgive me for going out and doing what I am about to do. 

I know now where all of us belong...  I have orders. Bring back few hostages, bring guys back here to imitate them into our cause, and shoot to kill if necessary. All these girls are ready to do so. It's time to show males what females could do.  


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