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I went to the meeting the next day. The boiler room seemed full of life but, not me. I understood Katie now. She feels responsible as do I for the life of her brother. I know I’m not but, I can’t help it. He was trying to protect me. It’s not fair!

Athine approached me smiling and holding a red cup. She said, “Hey! What’s up?”

 I gave her a look, “You  know. Everyone is talking about it.”

“Well…” She said, “Sorry. Hey. Have a drink.” 

“No thank you.” I said, “the last thing I need right now is that.”

“Okay, just trying to help.”

Lynn clapped her on the back, “What makes you feel better Tate isn’t what makes other feel better.”

I sighed, “Thank you.”

Lynn suggested, “I could get you a tattoo.” 

I laughed, “You dye hair and you tattoo?” 

“Who else would? I also do piercings.”

I laughed. I thought about it. Why not? I said, “A small tree on the top of my hand with four branches.”

“You sure? It lasts forever.”

“I’m sure.”

She dragged me over to her spot where she does all her art work. She gave me a tattoo. It started from the top of my wrist to my knuckles. It was, like I told her to do, a tree with four branches. One for each family member. I asked for her to put a mouse in one of the branches. It was for my family. To remind me of them. I stared at it. Lynn said, “Keep it clean. Don’t let it get infected or they’ll shut me down. Here they tolerate it but, we have to cover up and keep my tools up to standers

I said, “Okay, thank you. I’m really happy.” A tear fell out of my eye. My brother didn’t want me to go. He was sad. Did, he feel responsible? Was that why he did it? He said he would always take care of me. I got up and said, “Excuse me, guys.” I raced out of the boiler room. I felt like throwing up. My brother died, gave his life because he felt responsible for putting me here. I curled up into a and cried. Athine found me. She hugged me. 

She said, “Shhh. We have all lost something or someone.”

I said, “He died because he wanted to protect me. He felt it was his fault.”

“No, no. Don’t say that. Even if it’s true, don’t blame anyone but the ruthless government. Blame the unjust. 

“I just…”

“I know. Lynn and I lost our our father. I understand.”

 I clinged onto her. I just cried out on her shoulder.

 I picked my head up. Athine brushed her hair out of my eyes. She was another friend. A sister even. She had a sister to lean on when she was in the house of tragedy. Now, she’s letting me be her sister.

 She asked pointing at my tattoo, “Did your brother like mice?”

 My face hot and probably red I laughed and said, “He loved all animals. Whenever a mouse got into the house he would let it go in the woods behind our house. I told him, they’d only come back but, he did it anyways. He was kind and would give me a look or scold me when I killed a fly or a spider.” 

 “He sounds like he was a sweet guy.”

“He was…”

She helped me up and said, “We have to get back in there. We are discussing something tonight.”

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