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The our people protecting the boiler room door let us out. We shuffled quickly down the hall to block one. We were heavily armed. We had cross bows and pistils and rifles. Also hand made shields. they were heavy but, effective. I have two archers, rest of us have guns and all of us have shields. 

We were stopped by a line of guards. I ordered, "Shields!" My front row put up blast shields. The males opened fire on us. I ordered my people with cross bows to hit them. Then I ordered for my people to fire on them. A few went down and others were wounded. I said, "Leave the wounded. They'll bleed out, if not, we'll come back for them."

We walked over them. I saw red all over them. One caught my pant leg and said, "Help me. My leg. Please." 

I said, "What do think is true? I will fight the Ruler and everything he stands for."

The guard who wasn't much older than Joe, Josh said, "I will follow you girls. I was just taking orders."

I sighed. I took out my walk-ie-talk-ie and called in, "Hey. I need a medic down here. Looks like a guy who wants to follow us was shot in the leg. Not sure how serious it is but, he can't walk right now." 

He let my leg go and said, "May the lord bless you and your team."

I nodded and we pressed down the hall. We pasted m room. Then we went down to the classrooms. They were all empty. The red lights inching all around every room

We passed Mrs. Jackson's room and I knew right down the hall was the Director's office. We slowly went to his office. All the sudden. More than twenty guards came out of his office along with him. He put his hands up and said, "I wish to talk to your leader of your team."

I stood up and said, "Here."

He laughed and said, "You? Gemma never told me about this. That you were a leader. Wow she really did care about you. She only told me you were a member." 

I asked, "Give me one reason not to put a bullet in your head."

"Because," He said, "I am angering you. Thus, as you would say, I control you."

I said, "No you don't. No one does."

"I beg to differ. Your brothers er, brother does... Wounder what would happen to them, your family, if I let the ruler know what is going on here." 

"They would be fine. You're bluffing. You didn't tell people jack!"

"Maybe... maybe not..." He said, "Maybe, I'm not the one who did it."

"Shut up." I said. I went out of the cover of my groups shields. I picked up my head so my nose was in the air, "Today you die but, not by a gun."

"You want to hand to hand fight me?"

"Yes. I do. I think I made that clear." 

"Fine." He said and took his Kevlar vest off. I did the same and we face off.

He was tall and not at all skinny. Kinda like a bear. I had what he didn't... speed. His footing was off by an inch. He didn't think I could win. He charged. Just as he almost slammed into me I redirected him into the wall. He tried to stop  but he jammed his shoulder in the wall. He dislocated it. I ran towards him and kicked him in the back.  He hunched over and gritted his teeth. He got over it and swung at me. I ducked and punched him in the ribs. He caught my foot with his calf. I fell to the ground. My head banged against the floor. Black prickled the edges of my vision.

I looked to the side. I saw James. He was dressed in white and had a bright light around him. He had his hand out and he urged me to grab it. Tears blurred my vision. A couple of months ago he was alive. I was learning arithmetic. Never had the such hate to kill. He's dead because if the government. Because I wanted to learn and I couldn't hide it. 

I felt a hard punch hit my jaw. I kicked him off of me. All the sudden Wolf came running down the hall and saw us fight. She had brought more of our people to fight. She said, "Fight this bastard!"

I stood up. The director said, "Why fight when you can't win?"

"Because I have what you don't." I said, "A cause to be driven to win."

He swung at me. I ducked and punched him once more in the ribs. Seems to weaken him. I moved around him and punched him were his kidey's are. Once he was hunched over I hit him in the nose. Then in the temple. Then I kicked him in the gut. Once, twice, three times. He was coughing up blood. I hit him in the face. He was on the ground and I kept punching the life out of him. I gritted my teeth with every bone crushing punch. I couldn't stop. 

I beat out my anger. Wolf pulled me off of him. I spat on him. He was the scum of the Earth in my eyes. Him and every one who follows the Ruler. I let wolf pull me away. I was taking deep breaths. My heart was going to jump out of my chest. I looked at my hands. They were all red. I sat down next to the wall just looking at my hands. What just happened to me?

I looked up. I started shaking. I looked at the director. He was lying in a pool of his own blood. Who am I? What did I just do? What would my family think? A thousand things went through my mind.

The guards who are on the Director's side opened fire. It was all in slow motion. I was behind our people, thanks to Wolf. The guards pushed us back. Wolf called for a retreat. I couldn't move. She waved me to follow her. She then threw me over her shoulder. I saw the young twelve year old get shot in the head. As she died, she looked at me and smiled, then looked up at the ceiling. Other girls fell

I couldn't breath all the sudden. Wolf just ran with me. I said to her, "I can't breath."

She said, "Hold on! we are almost there."

We reached the boiler room. We locked the door behind us. I Wolf put me down. I lied down on the ground. I still couldn't breath. This isn't who I am... I don't kill... I never had so much hate for someone. This is not what I was taught. If I took life away, why do I deserve to live?

A medic sat me up. I heard ringing in my ears. She asked me if I was okay.

I said, "I have blood on my hands."

"A lot of warriors do. I just need to know if your hurt."

"I don't know. I can't feel anything. I don't think I am."

She looked at the back of my head. I had cracked my head open when I fell to the ground. I think that's it. Joe, Josh came up to me. I said, "I killed. I have red all over me..."

He said, "Yeah. I heard." 

I felt like throwing up, "He died because, I... I... I killed him..." 

He tried to hug me but I scooted away and said, "I... need to be alone. Josh."

He pursed his lips and said, "Okay."

I had washed my hands but, I still had dried blood in my finger nails. I gave up in trying to wash it out. 

May approached me. She had her shoulder patched up. Nothing life threatening was hit. She said, "Gemma is still here. She said she wouldn't talk to anyone but you."

I said, "I don't want to talk right now."

"Look," May started, "I know saying you did a good job would be insulting. You're not a bad person. You're just a person. You can't take it back but, if you feel guilty, or cry, you are still human. Only monsters don't feel."

I walked away from her and found a corner to sit in. I curled up into a ball and I cried. I'm not a monster but, I'm... I don't know who I am or what I am. 

Wolf came over and said, "Look. All you have to do is get Gemma to tell us what she said about us."

I nodded, "I just need to be alone right now-"

"No. Do you want to know what wolves do when there is wounded member?"

I shook my head. She sat down next to me and said, "They help it and it comfortable so if they were to die, it would die in comfort."

I smiled, "Thanks I guess..."

Then Athine, May, Hazel and Nevaeh came and sat down along with us. I said, "Guys..."

Nevaeh said, "We are all here for you."

I started crying. They gave me a group hug.

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