"You could've died!"

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Please read A/N at the end of this chapter.

Todoroki's POV


I should have known, I thought, watching as the wave came barrelling down, towering over Izuku's frame. I should have known not to leave him alone.

I rushed forward, my heart thumping loudly in my ears as I screamed, slipping on the rocks and begging the world for me to get to him in time, for me to save him.

I slid across the rocks, my eyes open wide in terror and the wave came thundering down, its sound letting off a white noise as I screamed Izuku's name again.

Panic was fully setting in now, tears escaping my eyes as I watched as Izuku ducked, trying to protect himself last second as the water crashed down.

Just before the water touched him, I let out another scream.

My ice quirk came to life and rushed forward, creeping at top speed across the rocks and bathing the waves with its cold. I let out another scream, my power pulsing through me as I pushed past my limits, my body feeling like it was going to collapse from exhaustion, but I couldn't stop, not when Izuku was right there –

"Izuku!" I yelled again, sobs wracking my body as ice crawled up my right side, spreading across my chest and making it hard for me to breath.

I closed my eyes, focussing all the coldness in my body to the wave, and when I opened them, I was greeted to an amazing sight.

Right above both me and Izuku, was the wave.

It was frozen.

I let out a sigh of relief, stumbling towards the greenette who was still laying on the frozen floor, gazing up at the wave in shock.

"I-Izuku." I stuttered, falling to my knees and pulling the boy into a hug.

Izuku was confused for a second, but when his mind finally clicked, he quickly brought his arms around me, squeezing me tightly as his warmth struggled to thaw my frozen body.

"Shouto?" he said, staring at me in disbelief. "W-What –? H-How –?"

"W-What the hell Izuku!" I stuttered, the cold causing my lungs to ache and my limbs to slowly go numb. "You could've died! You almost died! What the hell!"

I sobbed and leaned into his shoulder, my hands gripping his shirt tightly before they fell to my side, the cold rendering them useless. I struggled to keep my power rushing throughout the wave, trying my best to freeze the entire ocean and stop the thundering waves that continued to smash into the rocks, the impact of each wave making me dizzy as every drip of my power slowly drained from my body.

Izuku embraced me and looked to the wave, staring in awe at it's frozen beauty.

"How did you do that, Shouto?" he asked, rubbing my back. "That must've taken a great deal of power . . ."

I stayed silent, my head swimming and my breathing slowing as my vision dipped, and Izuku barely caught me in time before I crashed into the rocks.


Izuku quickly flipped me over, rubbing his hand on my bare chest, trying to melt some of the ice away that was restricting my lungs. While he fretted over me, trying to warm me up or get me to respond, there was a loud crack, and my eyes numbly glanced over Izuku's shoulder.

My eyes widened as there was another cracking sound, and a fracture appeared in the frozen wave. My frame shook as I tried to summon my power, only for a number of seizure-like shakes to erupt throughout my body.

Izuku, who was just a green blur at the time, seemed to notice my distress and quickly threw me over his shoulder, running across the rocks as the frozen wave collapsed and smashed to the rocks like millions of fractured glass.

Izuku and I went tumbling forward, the older yelling in shock as we were thrown off our feet and fell to the sand below.

Izuku coughed multiple times before quickly standing and rushing towards me. He grasped my shoulders and shook me as my eyes began to fall shut, and he murmured something about staying awake, but my ears were ringing and I felt something wet running down my nose.

Izuku seemed panicked at something I did, and quickly looked over his shoulder, yelling something before turning back to me. He snapped his fingers in front of my eyes, trying to see if I blinked on reflex, and then said something frantically to someone to his side when I didn't.

Suddenly, there was blonde hair and Katsuki appeared, quickly pressing one of his hands to my forehead while the other went to my chest. Slowly, I felt warmth flutter across my body, the heat nursing my frozen joints and eventually taking the suffocating feeling from my lungs.

I smiled softly as my head rolled to the side, my gaze falling over the golden sunset that kissed the clouds.

My smile widened, and I reached out my right hand blindly, almost immediately feeling Izuku take it in his.

"H-Hey, Izu," I whispered, my voice sounding like gravel. "That . . . T-That sunset looks p-pretty, doesn't i-it?"

I felt a squeeze to my hand, and something stroking my hair.

"Yeah," a worried voice replied, and something wet fell on my hand. "It does, Shouto."

I smiled again before sucking in a painful breath, wincing again and coughing, frosty fog puffing from my mouth.

"I'm . . . tired." I mumbled.

There was a soft giggle, and I felt Izuku place a kiss to my temple. "It's okay, you can rest now. It's okay . . ."

I blinked, the mixed yellows and pinks of the clouds blurring in my vision before I closed my eyes.

And once again, I fell into a pool of darkness.


So, it wasn't Kirishima who called Midoriya's name. You all got it wrong :)

Todoroki had to be knocked out in this chapter for the next one to make sense.

I have a list of my favourite animes in my description on my account, so please check them out! They are all worth it and are either gay, angsty, suicidal/depressing, or all of them together.

Today's anime recommendation is DRAMAticl Murder (Yes, it's spelled like that) which is really gay and angsty. It gets really good after a few episodes.

So, I've been getting this feeling lately and I don't like it. It makes me feel really unmotivated and makes me want to stay in bed all day and I started crying randomly while doing online schooling (which is ending this week for me) and I feel really sad. At this point I'm not sure if I'm suicidal or not, but oh well.

Next chapter we start to get into Midoriya's . . . let's call it . . . harassment.

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