"Why didn't you tell me?"

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Midoriya's POV

Aizawa left the room after I told him a few details about how I was . . . assaulted. He said he was going to ask Kacchan about it, and I didn't stop him, knowing that he needed more information, and that it was a certain hot-tempered blonde who had it.

He left, leaving me alone with a sleeping Shouto.

Well, he was sleeping.


I whipped around, quickly coming face to face with the duel quirked user, who was very much awake and staring at me with worried and disbelieving eyes.

"Hey Shouto," I murmured, quickly running my hand through his silky hair. "How'd you sleep?"

My hand was quickly grabbed, and I was forced to look Shouto in the eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

My stomach dropped, and I bit my lip as nervousness spread across my body.

"Shouto –."

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

I winced as he shouted at me, falling back on my hands and moving backwards until I reached the opposite wall. Shouto quickly left the bath, approaching me cautiously while drops of water slid off his body. He was quite unsteady, his knees shaking violently as he collapsed in front of me, cupping both my cheeks in his hands as he shook me.

"W-Why?" he begged, looking me in the eyes as he tried to stop his emotions from getting out of control. "Why didn't you?"

I sniffed, tears slipping from my eyes and falling down my cheeks. "Shouto, please, you have to understand –."

The duel quirked user quickly wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me in close and resting his head on my shoulder. I was shocked at the hug, thinking that Shouto wouldn't want to be near me, but I still circled my arms around his waist, leaning into the embrace.

"I-I'm sorry, Shouto," I cried, leaning into his shoulder. "I'm sorry!"

Rough sobs shook my body and Shouto shifted back, taking my cheeks in his hands again and wiping my tears away.

"Shhh," he soothed, moving my hair from my forehead before kissing it. "It's okay, Izuku. I'm sorry I shouted. It's okay."

I was pulled towards him again, resting my head on his bare chest and gripping onto his shoulders. Shouto was still shaking, his muscles still not relaxed after what happened earlier, and I felt severely guilty, because this was all my fault.

Shouto should be resting right now, but instead, he was comforting me.

"Shouto, you should rest. You're still not fully recovered yet." I said, slipping my hand into his hair again.

The younger boy hummed, running his hand down my back before suddenly stopping and moving away from me again.

"Izuku, I need you to be honest," he stated, sounding serious. I nodded in reply. "E-Every time I touched you, or slept with you, did you think of him? The man who . . . raped you?"

I sucked in a breath, taking both his hands in mine and squeezing them. "What happened wasn't your fault, Shouto," I said. "But yes, when we slept together again a few weeks after the incident, I did think of him, and I felt dirty."

Shouto nodded his head, seeming to understand. "Is that why you didn't tell me?" he asked, squeezing my hands back. "Because you thought you were dirty?"

I nodded, looking down. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. I wasn't ready."

Shouto pressed his lips together before lifting his left hand to my cheek. "I'm glad that I know, Izuku. Now I can support you through this."

I nodded, letting Shouto's hand lift my chin so our lips connected for a few seconds. "Please don't see me as a victim, Shouto. I like to think that I'm stronger than that."

"You are strong, Izuku," he replied, giving me a small smile. "And you aren't a victim; you're a survivor."

I smiled up at him, giving him another hug. "Thank you, but that sounds a little corny." I breathed.

Shouto held me tighter, letting out a breathy laugh and kissing my neck. We stayed in each other's arms for a few more minutes before Shouto coughed, and I sighed, knowing that as nice as it was to be embracing, Shouto's health should be first priority.

"C'mon, Shouto, time for bed."

I helped him up and let him lean on me with his arms around my neck while I grabbed a towel and dried him, making sure that he was comfortable before helping him change into a clean pair of boxers and a hoodie. After that, I lead him out of the bathroom and into the lounging area where Aizawa and Kacchan were. The two gave me a look, and I nodded, letting them know that Shouto knew.

I walked into the kitchen and filled a glass with water, drinking it quietly while Kacchan and Aizawa continued their conversation. I flinched slightly as Shouto came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my stomach, only relaxing when he whispered a small 'It's okay' and kissed my neck. I smiled, leaning backwards into his chest and bringing the glass to my lips again.

Kacchan and Aizawa were continuing their conversation, talking in hushed voices in an attempt to conceal what they were discussing, but I could still hear them.

"He hurt him, Sensei," Kacchan stated, sounding lost. "He hurt him and just left him there, and nobody stepped in to help."

There was a sigh. "I know, Bakugou. What happened to Midoriya was unfortunate, but I need you to tell me what happened when he came back to the dorms after he was rapped."

Shouto tightened his arms around my waist, and I knew that he was listening along as well.

"I was asleep when he came back, but he woke me up with Mina, wanting me to join their sleepover," Kacchan replied. "He was acting like he normally was but he was very tired, and quiet. He fell asleep almost instantly, and seemed like he was in pain."

My lungs felt heavy and I closed my eyes, deciding that I didn't want to listen to the conversation anymore and downed my glass. I didn't want to think about what happened, because it hurt, and the memory will only bring me more pain

After finishing my glass, I refilled it and gave it to Shouto, who took it and drank it silently. He placed the empty glass on the table and wrapped his arms around me again, snuggling close to me while he yawned. I looked to my left to a clock, which read 9:39 pm.

Sighing, I pulled Shouto into the bedroom, saying a quick goodnight to Aizawa and Kacchan. Shouto went into his bed with no arguments, letting me tuck him in before I went to my separate bed.

"Goodnight, Shouto." I whispered, already slipping off to the dream world.

"Goodnight, Izuku."

I have school today. Actual school. I'm so nervous that I woke up at 6 am, and decided to update.

Um, so yeah, here we are. Have a good day/night!

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