"Go home."

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Bakugou's POV (does that title remind anyone else of Hamilton?)

Shouto had flat-lined three times before they were able to stabilize him again.

It was a horrible thing to witness – his body convulsing before stilling, and then the hurried shouts of 'Clear!' as the doctors struggled to get his heart beating again.

I was in tears when they left.

After thirty minutes the doctors were able to stabilize him, and I instantly clung to his unconscious body, bringing my hands to his cheeks and wiping some stray tears that had fallen from his eyes.

He's hurt, I blinked, trailing my eyes over the bandages that wrapped his body. He looks like he's in a lot of pain.

"Mr Bakugou?"

I was startled, and snapped upwards, turning to meet Dr Talki.

"Yes?" I said, slightly frustrated that she wouldn't leave me and Shouto alone.

She peeked at her clipboard and sighed, biting her lower lip as she contemplated what to tell me.

"We need Todoroki to have an MRI scan," she informed, handing me a piece of paper, which was a permission slip. "By doing this we can see the extent of the damage that was done to his brain, and hopefully find a way to treat it."

I nodded, scanning the paper. "Will this help figure out why he keeps having seizures?"

Talki nodded, and pointed at a few tick boxes on the slip. "I need you to fill these out for me. It's just some questions about Todoroki, so it shouldn't take long. I advise that you do it quickly, and with your teacher. Todoroki is scheduled to undergo the MRI in a few hours once he wakes up."

I sighed, and took a pen that she offered me. "Thank you."

"It's no problem. Make sure you bring that paper back when he gets the scan."

I nodded, and turned back to Shouto once she left the room.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, okay?" I mumbled, quickly squeezing his hand before walking towards the door. "I just have to do something real quick."

It was a short walk to Izuku's room, and I found myself walking in just a minute later.

Izuku was asleep on the bed, looking peaceful even though he had dried tear streaks running down his cheeks.

Aizawa was sitting on the chair, looking as if he was in a trance until he realised I was in the room. He instantly stood, hurrying towards me and pulling me outside before closing the door, not wanting to wake the sleeping student.

"Is he okay?"

I nodded, fiddling with the paper before lifting it for him to see. "He needs an MRI scan. He's scheduled to do it in a few hours, and I need your help filling this out."

Aizawa took the paper and quickly skimmed over the questions, nodding while doing so.

"Ok, most of these questions are for me to fill out, since you don't know the answer to some." He said, quietly opening the door and leading me into Izuku's room again.

I sighed and sat on the bed beside the teen, giving Aizawa the pen the doctor gave me before he sat down, quickly ticking a few boxes.

It was a few minutes later when Aizawa asked me for assistance with a question, and I quickly read it over before scoffing.

"Has he been drinking alcohol or taking drugs?" Aizawa asked, tapping his knee impatiently.

I shook my head. "No, he hasn't been drinking, and the only drugs he's ever taken were his antidepressants and anxiety pills."

Aizawa muttered something under his breath that I didn't hear, and I decided not to question it.

I looked over his shoulder at the remaining questions, and my eyebrows rose when I realized that we had answered them all already.

"That was fast." I said, taking the paper and quickly reading over all the answers.

Aizawa hummed. "It was just basic stuff about his past medical trips and injuries. It wasn't too hard to answer."

I nodded and placed the paper on the table beside Izuku's bed, the boy in question still fast asleep.

Some drool had escaped his mouth and ran down his cheek, disappearing down his jaw line. He was laying above the blankets, soft snores leaving his mouth and his face relaxed. I glanced over towards his hand, and smiled slightly when I spotted the purple flower from the tree, its peddles still beautiful even as they began to shrivel up and die.

I sighed, and lifted my hand to my ear, slipping the orange flower from my hair and placing it next to the purple one. The colours contradicted each other, but it was still a nice sight.

I turned from Izuku to my teacher, who was staring at the door intently, waiting for something to happen.

He needs to relax, I thought, slightly concerned. He's always so tense nowadays. His eye bags have gotten bigger, too.

"You should go home, Sensei," I murmured, walking towards the door. "You look like a corpse. Get some rest."

Aizawa shook his head and sighed, standing. "I'm fine, kid. Worry about yourself and your friends. I'm going to see Todoroki."

He made his way to the door and gently brushed past me, not even giving me a second glace.

Frustration rose in me as my request was ignored, and I quickly grabbed onto Aizawa's sleeve, halting him before he could move any further.

"Please, Sensei," I said, my voice slightly trembling from the emotions that clustered in my chest. "Go home. I don't want you to accidently fall down the stairs and die like the old man you are."

Aizawa huffed a laugh and turned to face me, raising one of his hands and patting my head. "I'll be okay, Bakugou. You don't need to worry about me. I'll be fine," he began to walk down the hallway, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Oh, and I'm not old. I'm 31."

I stared at him in disbelief before he disappeared into Shouto's room, and I let out an angered yell.


Hi guys!

I hope you all are staying safe, and are at least getting 3 hours of sleep (who even sleeps these days?). 

Anime recommendation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation), which is a Chinese anime, and is LITERALLY ONE OF THE BEST ANIMES I'VE EVER WATCHED. I honestly can't express how amazing it is, and most of the characters are male, so there's a lot of shipping to go around! I can't really explain the plot, but it includes supernatural themes, and is angsty. It's just honestly amazing. Please go watch it! 

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