"Stay safe, okay?"

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Kirishima's POV

After the villain attack, we were all taken back to the dorms apart from Bakugou, Midoriya and Todoroki, of course.

Those of us who were in the dorms had minor injuries with a few bruises and scrapes, nothing that we haven't had before. None of us had gone to our rooms yet, with everyone huddled together in the lounging area, clinging closely to those who had their friends with them. Well, apart from Mineta, of course, because who would want to hug that?

I had Kaminari and Sero on either side of me, Sero leaning on my right shoulder, asleep, while I held Kaminari close to my chest. The yellow-haired boy hadn't spoken a word yet, only nodding when we asked if he was okay, and shaking his head if he was asked if he needed anything.

It was uncomfortably weird for him to be so quiet, but I felt happy that he wasn't shying away from physical affection. He was awake, with his eyes slowly blinking every few seconds as a cartoon played on the dorm TV, the volume low. He kept his left hand grasped tightly to the front of my shirt while his right rested in his lap, gently holding my hand with my arm around his back, supporting him.

Mina was sitting with Momo, Uraraka, Tsu and the rest of the girls by our feet, mumbling quietly and ensuring that everyone was okay. The pink-haired girl would occasionally turn her neck and glance at me, making sure I was okay before going back to leaning against my legs.

The rest of the boys, apart from Mineta, who was sitting in the corner, taped to the wall by Sero, was sitting on the other couch, huddled together with most of them looking through their phones.

Iida and Ojiro had taken the responsibility to make everyone dinner, and both of them decided that instant ramen was okay for tonight.

I sighed and blinked, lowering and switching off my phone after staring at my shared messages with Bakugou, still waiting for the blonde to reply to my frantic texts.

Kirishima: How are Midoriya and Todoroki? Sent – 7:43 pm

Kirishima: Is everything going ok? Sent – 7:58 pm

Kirishima: Ok bro you're really starting to freak me out. Sent – 8:36 pm

Kirishima: Please text me when you have the chance. Sent – 8:57 pm

It was now leading up to 9:30 pm, and Bakugou hasn't even read my texts yet, which was beyond worrying, because out of everyone in the class, Bakugou would text me first, right?


I looked up and glanced around the room, silently counting every person and making sure that everyone was still accountable, which they were, thank god.

Someone (possibly Momo or Tokoyami) had switched the channels on the TV so that the News was playing. A female reporter dressed in a fancy grey suit and pale purple hair was standing in the middle of the screen, a microphone in her hand while she recounted the events that happened at the beach earlier that day.

". . . Yet another attack on the students of UA, leaving two first years critically injured, makes us, the public, question the safety measures that UA has reportedly put into place, and whether they are really making a difference. . ."

I huffed and moved my attention away from the program, and the woman shaming our school. Yes, I know that it's horrible that UA has been the centre of so many villain attacks, but people have to understand that those events weren't our fault, and that while many measures were taken to protect us, it will never be enough. Villains will always be lurking in every shadow, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, and some of the time there won't be a hero around to stop them.

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