"I was left alone."

942 42 75

Todoroki's POV

Ring, Ring.

Ring, Ring.

Ring – click.

" . . . Kacchan? Why're you calling me, it's almost three in the morning."

I opened my eyes, and rolled over, upset at being disturbed while I slept.

"I need you to come to Kaminari's room."

At the sound of Katsuki's voice, I sat up, and tugged on Izuku's sleeve. Katsuki must have called Izuku for something, but what? It's the middle of the night.

Izuku shifted, and placed his hand on my head, sliding his fingers through my hair. "Go back to sleep, Shouto. It's okay."

I mumbled a soft 'yes' and lied back down. I circled my arms around his stomach, and curled into his legs.

"Is everything okay?" he asked into the phone, his voice a lot more hushed.

"Hopefully it'll be okay once you get here."

Izuku tapped my head, and got me to release him from my grasp, which I wasn't too happy about. I just wanted to cuddle. The greenette slipped out of the bed, his feet landing with a light thud as he stood, and quickly picked up a grey hoodie that was draped over his desk chair.

"Yeah, okay. I'll be there in a second." He said, and the call ended soon after.

I sat up, and breathed deeply. "Izuku? What's going on?"

The older teen turned, and gave me a warm smile. He approached the bed quickly, and left a gentle kiss on my lips.

"I'll be back after I see what's wrong with Kaminari," he began to walk away, and opened the door. "Go back to sleep, Shouto. I'll be okay."

I nodded, and squinted as the warm hallway light entered the room as the door opened, and then had to wait a second before my eyes could re-adjust to the dark lighting once it closed again. I felt sad at being left alone.

I wonder what that was about. I thought, slipping back into the blanket and relaxing into it's leaving warmth. Izuku said something about Kaminari, and making sure he was okay . . . did something go wrong? Did he get hurt?

I swallowed, and couldn't find it in myself to go back to sleep. I left the bed, and put on some slippers before reaching for the door handle and pulling it open. I know that I'm not allowed to go anywhere by myself until I get surgery, but that would be in a few years, and I don't think that being alone in Izuku's room was going to be any help. I considered going into Kaminari's room for a second, and quickly dismissed the idea, because Izuku knows how to handle himself, and Bakugou was there, which means that Kirishima is definitely there too. Whatever's going on must be important, and if I wasn't invited, then I shouldn't disturb them.

I sighed, and leaned against the door frame, considering my options. I could go to Iida, since he'll definitely let me in and offer me hospitality, but he might also question why Izuku wasn't with me, and why I was alone in the first place and awake at this hour. Going to Iida probably isn't the best idea.

I could go to Momo or Ashido, but it would be weird to stay with a girl, and they'd probably talk my ear off all night. No thank you.

I pushed off the doorframe, and stepped into the hallway, closing Izuku's bedroom door behind me before walking towards the elevator and calling it. I travelled down to the bottom level, and felt anxious at being alone after all this time. It made me feel like someone was watching me.

Gulping, I walked to the end of the room and stood in front of a door, knocking lightly before taking a step back. After a minute, there were some shuffling and light thuds, and the door slowly opened to reveal a tired Aizawa Sensei.

"Todoroki? What are you doing here?" he looked over my head, and scanned the area, frowning. "Did you come here alone?"

The disapproval was clear in his voice, and I nodded my head, slightly guilty for my selfish actions.

The teacher sighed, and stepped back into his living space, also known as the 'Parent Dorm', and motioned for me to come inside. I complied, and closed the door behind be as a precaution. Aizawa lead me into his living room, which had a comfortable leather couch, TV, and a small kitchen in the corner. The bedroom and bathroom were across the room to the right, where there was another short hallway.

The TV was on, and paused in the middle of what looked like an action-fighting scene between two super-powered humans. It looked cool. Aizawa sat down on the couch, and reached for a bowl of salted butter popcorn, and patted the space beside him.

I've never seen Aizawa so . . . relaxed.

I sat down, and Aizawa handed me the popcorn bowl.

"What's going on, Todoroki?" he asked, seeming so serious in his cartoon cat pyjamas.

I smiled softly, and ate some of the popcorn. "I'm not really sure. Izuku got a call from Katsuki and had to go to him, so I was left alone."

Aizawa nodded. "And you came here because . . ?"

"Because I didn't want to be alone."

"Oh, right," Aizawa sighed, and reached for the TV remote. He pressed the rewind button, and started the movie from the beginning. "You can watch this movie with me, then."

I nodded, and was happy when Aizawa threw a heavy blanket over me. We continued to watch the movie for a long time, and before long, I could feel myself drifting to sleep on Aizawa's shoulder. Right before I was going to finally let my eyelids drop, the movie ended, and I sat up with a yawn.

I looked towards the teacher, who was already searching for another movie, and decided that now was a good time to get some answers to a few questions I had.

"What's going to happen to Touya?" I asked.

Aizawa froze, and lowed the remote, giving me his full attention. "If we catch him, he'll be arrested."

I nodded. "Can you . . . not arrest him? Please?"

The black-haired man ran his hand down his face. "He's a criminal, Todoroki, and is a member of the League of Villains," he said, sounding drained. "He'll be arrested as Dabi, and not as your brother."

I looked down, and nodded, hoping that Touya was far away, and safe. "I understand."

I guess this is what happens when you fight fire with fire.

You get burned.

I hope you liked this chapter! One more to go!

Guess what? It's my birthday again! I'm 16 today, and thought that it would be nice for me to release this chapter on my birthday. I hope you have a great night/day!

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