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Aizawa's POV

I sighed while walking into Midoriya's dorm room, not feeling comfortable with the absence of the cheery teen, and feeling very, very guilty for what I was about to do.

Before I left for the hospital, I told Iida, Tokoyami and Kirishima to gather Midoriya, Bakugou and Todoroki's stuff, and to leave them in their respective rooms. Right now, I was staring straight at Midoriya's bag, feeling uneasy as I sat beside it on the All Might themed bed and unzipped it.

The first thing I took out was Midoriya's phone, placing it beside me as the screen lit up with hundreds of messages from his mother and a photo of him and Todoroki as a lock screen. I smiled at the photo.

Next, I took out all of his clothes, leaving them neatly folded on his bed, cringing at how much All Might merchandise made up his closet.

When I looked back into the bag, it was empty aside from his phone charger and a notebook. I placed both aside, troubled.

Where is it? I thought, frustrated.

I lifted the bag and shook it, satisfied when I heard something clatter to the floor. I put the bag down and picked up a small cylinder container that bared the words Midoriya Izuku – Antidepressants / 60 tablets one per day.

Found you.

I silently scanned the container, reading the day they were prescribed, and feeling dread in my stomach when I read that they were given to him just under three weeks ago. Three weeks equals 21 days, which means there should only be 21 pills unaccounted for, which leaves 39 leftover.

So why were there only ten?

"Goddammit, kid," I mumbled, covering my mouth with my hand. "How many times have you overdosed?"

Every day, apparently.

Since there were only ten left, and that fifty of the pills were consumed in only twenty-one days, it's okay to assume that he has been taking 2-4 pills every day.

I groaned, sitting back on the bed and placing the pills in my pocket.

Was this the right thing to do? I paused for a second, feeling unsettled. If I prevent Midoriya from using his antidepressants, then he would get worse, wouldn't he?

I shook my head, standing and walking towards the door with the pills and Midoriya's phone and charger in my hand.

As I was walking, I kicked a second container, and I felt even stupider for missing it.

I'm a goddamn pro hero, so how could I miss a second container?

I picked it up and scanned the label, feeling worse than I did a minute before.

Midoriya Izuku – Anxiety / 60 pills one per day.

They were prescribed from three weeks ago, the same day he got the antidepressants.

The container was empty.

I ran from the room.

~Time skip~

A few minutes later, I found myself outside of Todoroki's room.

Time to face the music, I thought.

I nudged open the door and stepped inside, doing the same I did in Midoriya's room and opening his bag, removing his phone and charger and placing them beside me while placing his clothes on his futon. It was easier to find his pills, since they were in plain sight at the bottom of his bag.

I was glad to see that he wasn't overdosing as much as Midoriya, and smiled, pocketing his two containers. However, unlike Midoriya, there was a third container.

Todoroki Shouto – Q/Suppressants / 90 pills two per day.

Todoroki had a lot of explaining to do when – If – I talk to him again, because this wasn't on his record.

Because if one of my students were taking quirk suppressants, I'm supposed to know.

Sighing, I pocketed the pills and Todoroki's phone and charger, my impatience rising as so many new questions sprouted in my head.

Before I could go back to the hospital, I needed to visit Recovery Girl and take her to the hospital, but to also show her the pills and put them in her care.

I was about to leave the dorms when a sudden thought hit me, and I quickly turned on my heel.


He was prescribed medication as well, right?

For the third time in the past hour, I was once again inside one of my students' dorms, searching through their bag.

Bakugou didn't bring much with him on the trip. There were only a few hoodies and pants, all of them in the theme of orange and black, which I smiled at, because it was no secret that Bakugou is very serious about colour coding his clothes to ensure that they can all go well with orange. Aside from clothes, there were only his toiletries and phone with its charger. I clicked the home button and activated the phone, looking at Bakugou's lock screen.

I wasn't surprised when I saw that it was a photo of both Midoriya and Kirishima, Todoroki in the background sniffing a pink flower. I smiled, a sad feeling flooding through me as I remembered their smiling faces and how they always seemed so bright.

I wish I could take them back, I thought, placing the phone in my back pocket. I wish I could take them back to the time when they were happy.

Shaking my head, I went back to the task at hand, pulling out Bakugou's antidepressants and his sleeping pills.

I scanned over their contents and the writing, making sure that they were the right bottles.

Bakugou Katsuki – Antidepressants / 60 pills one per day.

I was happy to see that he wasn't overdosing, which wasn't surprising, since it's a known fact that Bakugou is a lot more organised and straight forward than Midoriya and Todoroki.

Bakugou Katsuki – F/Sleeping / 90 pills one per night.

It came as no surprised that Bakugou forces himself to sleep every night, especially since he has PTSD from past events. Past villain attacks.

Past mistakes I made.

How I couldn't save him –

"Stop," I said out loud to myself, shaking my head while I placed the pills back into Bakugou's bag, knowing that I didn't need to take them. "It's not your fault that you couldn't save him."

And it wasn't, but I can still feel guilty.

I might not have been able to protect my students in the past, but I swear I will in the future.

Because that's what heroes do – they save people.

I'm watching Hamilton right now. It's so good!

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