The unbreakable can break.

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Bakugou's POV

That idiot.

Kirishima and I were forced to stay in bed until we had gotten more rest, but I was too frustrated and energetic to lie down and sleep. Even though my muscles hurt, and yes, I was tired, I couldn't find myself being able to close my eyes and allow myself the comfort of sleep.

Was it the constant gaze of the redhead beside me? Yes.

Was it the fact that the hasn't said a single word, not even an apology? Definitely.

It was his fault that he collapsed in the first place, so why is he looking at me like all of this was my doing?

Kirishima and I were still in the school infirmary, a heavy silence settling over the room as we fidgeted and looked around, but never at each other. That was, of course, until the redhead had the guts to open his mouth.

"It was my fault." He muttered, looking down.

I scowled. "Yeah, it is your fault. One of us could have gotten seriously hurt," I scolded, still not meeting his eyes. "You need to look after yourself more. You shouldn't take advantage of my love for fighting just so you can battle your emotions. It's not healthy, goddammit!"

I heard a sigh, and a slight shuffle of a blanket. I struggled not to look the other teen in the eyes, knowing that I would instantly forgive him if I saw tears running down his cheeks.

"I'm . . . sorry."

Something in his tone made me want to look up, but I didn't. Sometimes you have to be strict in order to get someone to see things from your point of view.

"I shouldn't have battled out my emotions like that while fighting you. I was just really stressed and . . . well, I felt lost."

Screw being stubborn.

I looked up, my heart clenching when I saw Kirishima curled into himself, facing the other way.

He took a deep breath. "I didn't know what to do. I wasn't allowed to go to the hospital, no one was allowed to leave the dorms, and we were given no work to do. I felt restless, and . . . useless."

I grounded my back teeth together.

I'm an idiot. All this time I've been too focused on Izuku and Shouto that I completely forgot about what Kirishima had gone through.

He was the one who stayed with Shouto when he passed out from his anorexia.

He was the one who found Izuku after his suicide attempt.

He was the one to witness me fall apart.

He was there. He was always there.

So how could I miss this?

"You're not useless, Kirishima. You're the opposite, actually."

The shark teethed boy sniffed, and I almost lost my breath when he turned towards me, his red orbs almost seeming pink as tears flowed from his eyes.

"R-Really?" he spoke up, hopeful.

I smiled gently, and looked to the ceiling, leaning back on the pillows.

"You're really strong, Kirishima. Like, insanely strong. You've been through so much, gone through so much trauma . . . and yet you are still the light in everyone's lives." I said, honest.

The tired boy whimpered. "I'm supposed to be unbreakable, so how is this feeling – this, dark and suffocating emotion deep in my chest making me break? Why do I feel like this? Why do I feel so . . . lost?"

I swallowed, fighting back tears.

He doesn't know what it's like to feel this sad.

It was heartbreaking.

"That feeling – that pain that you have deep within you will eventually go, trust me," I reassured, looking towards him. "You are an amazing person, Kirishima. You are incredible. I'm destined to be the number one hero, and Izuku is supposed to be the next symbol of peace. And Shouto . . . well, he might have been better as a stage performer, just so he could star Elsa in Frozen."

Kirishima snorted. Mission accomplished.

"But you," I continued, smiling lazily. "You're not a symbol – you're a beacon. You're a beacon of light that makes all the dark shadows of the night go away. You are our symbol of hope, Kirishima, because no matter how bad the situation, you always seem to make it better."

Kirishima sniffed, and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Y-You mean that?"

I nodded, and sat up, shifting towards the edge of the bed and lifting my hand. The redhead looked at it sheepishly, not sure what to make of my gesture. I rolled my eyes and struggled to reach further forward, my body aching and feeling incredibly tired. I snatched his hand in mine, content when he gripped back gently.

"We're in this together." I muttered, looking at the ceiling again.

The redhead nodded, and lied down, gripping tighter onto my hand while his trembled.

"Don't give into the darkness, Kiri." 


Let's all cry together.

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