Ch. 8: Safe Travels

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Y/n) sat on her hotel bed with Dark's hand in her hand. She gently cleaned the wound with disinfectant and wrapped it up tightly.

"How does that feel?"

Dark made a fist and released it, "Much better. Mark gives his thanks."

She began to pack up the freshly bought first aid items in a loose plastic bag, "So, if let me get this straight. You've known each other for hundreds of years?"

"Correct!" Contra laid himself down on the other bed in the hotel room, his hands behind his head, fully relaxed. "Only because we were destined to interact and whatnot."

(Y/n) wrinkled her brow but continued to clean up.

Dark sighed pulling his hoodie back on over his head, "I find it very hard to believe you are not aware of neither Jacksepticeye or I, but our humans play a very important role with the world and one another. As our humans were destined to interact, we were also. Our first interactions occurred many many years ago."

She nodded and made a connection to Dark. If Contra was part of the three demons that helped Kathryn then Dark was more than likely to be the second and the bigger question at hand was who the third could possibly be.

"You seem to be in deep thought." Dark pointed out. "I'm sure you must be confused."

"I'm — connecting the dots...I'm assuming you know my bloodline, well, a lot better than me."

"No need to assume, we both know much more than you," Dark assured. "Do you have questions?"

"Yeah," (Y/n) sat down on the bed and looked over at him, "You're one of the demons that held a bond with Kathryn, the protector, didn't you?"

Dark didn't answer for a few moments, "I go by many names, Dark, Darkiplier, but by the laws of hell I was deemed Tenebris."

"Wow, so clever," She spoke sarcastically. "So if you two are here, where the third one?"


"-thank you everyone we're going to do a charity next month. It's a crazy world out there and I'm sure we can make a difference, meme out, brofist."

Felix closed out his video and turned off the camera. He took a deep breath and stretched out his arms, sitting on the floor wasn't the best for any part of his body and left him a bit sore in the process. He enjoyed it none the less and continued on with his "Floor gang".

A familiar feeling swept over him as he stood up.

"Back so soon?" He spoke to seemingly nothing.

A smoke-like figure with bright blue eyes crept its way around him and traveled into his body leaving Felix a tad uncomfortable.

"I've been gone about the community of my kind and some information has surfaced." The demon spoke.

"So nonsense as usual," He walked out of the recording room and down into the bathroom.

"No, far from nonsense. Do you remember the stories I told you of my past?"

"Generally, but be more specific, you tell me like — a lot of stories." He brushed his hair out in the mirror.

"Your old friends, Mark and Sean. Their demons have met up with the girl. We're behind."

"No no no no, you're behind. Leave me out of your nonsense, Mors."

"That's not up to you. Go willingly or I'll force you as Tenebris and Contrarium have to their humans."


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