Chocolate Cake

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"Do you know what tomorrow is, munchkin?" Jughead asked as he seated himself down beside a green-eyed raven-haired six year old little girl. It still surprised him to this day how much the little girl resembled her mother. Aside from the raven curls framing her face, which had obviously been passed down to his daughter by him, she looked so much like Betty. Huge green eyes that could hold the entire world in it's gaze, a cute little button nose that scrunched up whenever she concentrated enough on something (Betty did that too, he always teased her about it), and the list could go on from there. There was no doubt in his mind that his little girl was the most beautiful person to have ever walked on the planet, all because of her mother.

Juliet scrunched her nose up a little as she thought, making Jughead's lips curve into a smile just watching her. After a moment she gasped, her own features twisting into an excited expression as she grasped at her father's hand. "It's mommy's birthday!" She practically squealed, now bouncing in her seat.

"That's right." Jughead nodded with a small chuckle leaving his lips, watching as his daughter started to play with the rings on his fingers gently, something that made his heart swell with how adorable and perfect his little princess was. "But Jules, I need some help with something, and I'm hoping that a certain little helper can assist me?"

"What do you need help with, daddy?" Juliet tilted her head a little to the side as she looked up at her dad, grinning in anticipation.

"Well, mommy needs a birthday cake that's perfect for her special day, and I'm not sure I can make it all on my own-"

"I'll help!" Juliet shouted before he could even finish his sentence, excitement and eagerness basically radiating from her small body.

"Perfect." Jughead pressed a quick kiss to the crown of her head before pulling her into his arms, standing up and spinning her gently for a moment all in one motion. Giggles filled the room as her arms wrapped around his neck, fingers starting to mess with the collar of his burgundy sweater as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"We have to keep it a secret though, peanut. It's a surprise for mommy." He grinned as he spoke, not able to help it. Each year he made a cake for Betty with Juliet, and each year she tried her hardest to keep it a secret, though often went the wrong way about it.

For example, the previous year Juliet had told her mother that they had been making a cake for her Aunt Veronica, and ten minutes later she'd woven a whole story about how she was coming to visit soon and she'd called Juliet, asking for a cake specifically. Jughead found it beyond endearing how badly she tried to keep it a secret, though it was extra special as Betty played along with her, acting so shocked when the cake was brought out the following day just to entertain her little girl.

"Of course, daddy. Pinkie promise."

Supporting Juliet on his hip with his left arm he reached up his right hand towards her much smaller one, linking his pinkie finger with hers and gripping it for a short moment, before gently moving some curls out of her face as he pressed a kiss against the crown of her head. "Let's go get started on it before mommy comes home from work then, yeah princess?"

"Yes!" Jughead almost dropped Juliet when she started wriggling and squirming in his grasp to be put down, chuckling as she ran at full speed towards the kitchen, eager to get started on the cake. Chuckling to himself he followed behind her, running a hand through his own mess of raven curls as he stepped into the room.

"Can I wear my apron, pretty please?" Juliet asked as she looked up at her father, giving him her special puppy dog eyes that almost made him melt at her feet. He'd give her anything when she looked at him like that, and she sure knew it, often using it to get away with things.

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