"I'll see you soon."

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"Betty?" Jughead asked as soon as he answered the phone, needing to hear his girlfriend's voice after the night he'd had. Archie was stood by his side, watching the boy with concerned eyes that matched his own.

"Jug," Betty breathed out. "I'm happy to hear your voice."

"You too, Betts, you have no idea." Jughead sighed, relieved at just hearing her. In that moment he wanted nothing more than to have her in his arms, and to stay like that for as long as possible.

"I just wanted to say that I love you. And I'll never stop loving you." Betty's voice sounded broken, almost like she was saying a goodbye.

That got Jughead's attention, his eyebrows furrowing in concern as he frowned. Something was clearly wrong. "What are you saying, Betty? Where are you?"

"Where is she?" Archie, having caught up on the fact that something was wrong, pitched in with a concerned frown of his own.

"I'll see you soon." She whispered, before the line went dead.

Jughead stayed frozen on the spot for a moment, his hand slowly moving the phone away from his ear. Nausea bubbled up in his stomach at the thought of what could be happening, a scowl painted over his face. She was saying goodbye. There wasn't a day that went by where he wasn't worrying about his Serpent girlfriend, but this was something completely different. He didn't know what the hell was going on, but Betty was in trouble.

"Something's wrong." Jughead announced for the sake of Archie, who was still waiting to hear news about Betty. "We need to go. She's in danger. Something's happening." As he spoke Jughead started walking down the road, hands shaking with nervousness as he pulled out his phone out of his pocket and dialled another number, listening to it ring as he basically jogged down the road, Archie following behind him.

"Mister Cooper?" He spoke urgently once he'd answered the phone.

"Jughead, now's really not the time." The man on the other end of the phone complained, clearly busy.

"I just wanted to ask is Betty with you? She called me and it sounded like she was saying goodbye for good." He panicked.

Her father was silent for a long moment on the end of the phone, and for a second Jughead thought he had hung up, though his stomach sank as soon as he heard five words spoken, "I know where she is."

"Jug, she's going to be okay, calm down." Archie, though he was worried, spoke quietly in an attempt to calm Jughead down, who was basically on the verge of hyperventilating.

The two boys, the rest of the Serpents, and even some police were waiting at the edge of Fox Forest, where they knew Betty's dad had been looking for her. Jughead wanted nothing more than to run into the forest and find his girlfriend himself, though the police had told him and everybody else that they had to wait.

Jughead didn't think he'd ever been more worried about his girlfriend before. Of course, after finding out she had joined the Serpents had been a huge concern, and at the time he felt like he was going out of his mind with worry all of the time, though nothing compared to this. For all he knew, and as much as he hated to admit it, she could be dead.

He was roughly pulled from his thoughts when a figure started emerging from the forest, holding his breath in anticipation when he noticed the figure carrying what looked suspiciously like a body. His heart felt like it stopped when the figure had stepped close enough so that he could see them - Betty's dad carrying her broken and beaten body.

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