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Usually Betty could handle stress pretty well. She was pretty good at pushing past it and getting what she needed to do finished, as she had to do a lot of the time. Though sometimes everything got a little too much for her to handle. Sometimes her ponytail was a little too tight and she had too many things to do and she was too stressed out. It was when she was feeling like this that Betty was the most vulnerable to breaking, and one more thing could push her over the edge. The last thing for her was Mr. Honey complaining to her about the year book, and it stressed her too much that she almost cried there and then.

Instead she blinked back tears as she left the principal's office and went straight for the Blue and Gold office where she knew her boyfriend would be, working on an article or another. Her lip was quivering by the time she was in the room, and it took all she had not to cry once it was shut and she looked over at Jughead, the only person she ever allowed to see her in such a vulnerable state.

"Hey Betts." He greeted, though his eyes were glued to the screen of his laptop as he worked, not looking up at her.

Betty tucked her bottom lip between her teeth in order to not cry as she crossed the room to be with her boyfriend. His touch helped calm her more than a lot of other things could, and all she wanted in that moment was to hug her boyfriend and be held by him.

With the way Jughead was sat at the table, his chair tucked out of it a little so he could have his legs stretched out underneath the desk, it gave Betty enough room to gently lift his arm in order to climb into his lap, her head tucking against his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked softly and lightly kissed the side of her head, one of his hands rubbing her back for a moment.

Betty just nodded as she pressed her face into the warm skin of his neck, still trying not to cry as she squeezed her eyes shut. Jughead lightly rubbed her back for another moment before both hands returned to his laptop and the tapping of the keys continued once again.

"I'll be done in like five minutes, okay?" He asked softly, and she just nodded her head again.

Though about thirty seconds in, Betty was frowning. She wanted, no needed, to be held by him. She neeed his arms to hold her tightly and comfort her with his touch, and for as long as Jughead kept tapping away at his keys she wasn't going to get that sort of attention. Though Betty felt guilty at the thought of stopping him from writing, so she sighed and sat up a little, getting ready to move. Maybe she'd go and find Veronica and hug her instead, although it wouldn't be anywhere near the same.

"I'll let you finish." Betty said quietly, though at the sound of her wavering voice Jughead looked up at her as she started to move out of his lap, frowning himself.

"No, hey, come here I'm sorry." He said softly as he moved his arms around her waist to hold her against himself tightly.

Betty's lip quivered again as she tucked her head against his shoulder, silent tears slipping down her cheeks as she leaned into his hold and held onto Jughead tighter than she had before.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" He whispered into her hair, one or his palms flattening against the soft material of her jumper to gently rub her back. "Did Honey say something?"

"I'm just really stressed out." Betty whispered and sighed, sniffling a little as she tried to calm down. "I didn't mean to distract you from your work."

"It's fine love, I can finish it when I get home. Okay?" Jughead whispered and lightly kissed the side of her head again, tightening his hold on her which made her feel more comfortable. "I love you."

"I love you too." Betty murmured, her eyes closing as she pressed her face into his neck again, tears still falling though she was calming down as the moments passed, relaxed by her boyfriend's touch.


Okay this is a small part and I'm sorry that I've been gone for a while but I've been focusing more on me and my blog on tumblr where i do all of my new writing. From now on all of my work will be transferred here from my blog. This piece included - which is a small drabble for a challenge I'm doing. I hope you all enjoy my new work!

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