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Betty had her bottom lip tucked between her teeth as she ran her fingers along the silk material in her hands, a smile hinting at the corners of her lips.

Veronica had told Betty about a store recently that sold lingerie (before proceeding to tell her in way too much detail how much Archie had liked what she'd gotten). So after looking through the website she found a pink silk nightgown she liked, and hoped Jughead would too. It wasn't anything too revealing, it just had a low neckline and finished at her mid-thigh.

Jughead was meant to be home at any moment from work, so after Betty had thrown away the packaging that it had been delivered in, she made her way up to their bedroom to try it on. The blonde quickly stripped of her clothes before pulling on the nightgown, smiling as she pulled it over her head.

Though her expression changed when she turned to look in the mirror.

Betty couldn't help but frown as she stared at her reflection, feeling big and uncomfortable. The nightgown was meant to hug her curves, though she felt it just made her look fat. She knew she'd put on a little weight recently - her and Jughead often ordered take-out when either of them were too lazy to cook, and her gym membership had ran out longer ago then she could remember. Though she didn't think she'd put that much weight on.

Her eyes were filled with tears by the time she heard the front door open downstairs, followed by a comedic "Honey, I'm home!" from her husband. Though unlike usual Betty didn't respond, just moving to shut and lock their bedroom door so Jughead couldn't come in and see her, self-consciousness growing.

"Betty?" Jughead called up the stairs after a moment, the sound of his footsteps climbing them following a moment later.

"I'm just getting changed." She called back to him, gathering up her clothes from the door as her thoughts spiralled about how she looked, the tears still falling.

"Ooh my favourite." Jughead spoke jokingly, before trying to open the door, shaking it a little when it hadn't opened. "Is the door locked?" He asked, all traces of entertainment in his voice gone.

"Yeah, sorry I'll unlock it in a moment." Betty spoke thickly, fumbling with her jeans which were inside-out after she'd taken them off.

"Are you crying?" Jughead asked after a moment of silence, a frown audible in his voice. Despite Betty denying it her husband just sighed and said, "Open the door."

"Jug I'm just getting changed-"

"I've seen you naked more times then I can count, now open the door and tell me what's wrong."

Betty sighed, dropping her jeans back on the edge of their bed before unlocking the door, hesitating before pulling it open, her free arm wrapped around her lower stomach insecurely.

Jughead frowned as soon as he saw her expression, what she was wearing going unnoticed as he gently cupped her face in his hands. "What's wrong, love? Talk to me." He said softly, clearly concerned.

Betty just shook her head, feeling embarrassed over it. He was right; he'd seen her naked more times than either of them could count - he'd seen her naked that morning when she'd gotten out of the shower - and he'd never once stopped calling her beautiful. Though she couldn't help but feel like she was gross in her new piece of clothing, and felt even worse that she'd ruined a chance of surprising him with it.

"No, tell me." Jughead urged, sounding more serious.

Betty paused for a moment before sighing, taking in a deep breath before just saying, "Look at me."

And Jughead did. He moved his hands from her cheeks and glanced down at her body in the nightgown, a small frown appearing on his face as he put the pieces of the puzzle together and realised what was wrong. "You don't think you look good in it?" He asked, though he already knew the answer.

"I don't." Betty shook her head, lip trembling as more tears fell. She felt more embarrassed than anything - embarrassed about how she looked and embarrassed about how he'd caught her crying over something like that, which only caused the tears to fall faster.

"What do you mean? You look beautiful." Jughead urged with a shake of his head.

"No, Jug, I look fat." Betty wiped her eyes before sighing. "Veronica told me about some store that sold pyjamas and lingerie, so I wanted to get one to surprise you after work. But I look like this and I just completely ruined the surprise." She shook her head, eyebrows furrowing. "I'm taking this off." She mumbled after a moment, turning to walk back into the room and change her clothes, though before she could Jughead caught her wrist.

Her husband didn't say anything as he stepped into the room himself and lead her over to their mirror, standing her in front of himself and moving his arms around her waist, his chin against her shoulder.

"Jug-" Betty started, wiping her eyes as she looked at herself in the reflection, before Jughead cut her off.

"Betty you are beautiful. You look beautiful. Okay? I've never once thought that you were ugly or fat, because you're not. You're stunning. I don't care that you aren't under one-hundred and ten pounds, I'd rather not be cuddling a skeleton at night." He told her. "The only thing that ruined this surprise was coming home to see you crying, especially over something like this."

Betty kept silent, just watching Jughead in the mirror before slowly letting her gaze wonder back over herself, analysing how she looked.

"You are the sexiest woman alive, Elizabeth Jones. Okay? Please don't get upset over something that isn't even true, love." Jughead left a kiss against her shoulder once he'd spoken.

Betty turned around in his arms and threw her arms around his shoulders to hug him, smiling a little because of his words. She still had tears in her eyes, though they were more because of what he'd said. And those words had meant everything to her.

"I love you, thank you." She whispered into his shoulder.

"I love you too, but you don't need to thank me, Betty." Jughead's arms tightened around her a little as he pressed a kiss to her temple. "You are the most beautiful person out there, don't get upset because society's standards of beauty are impossible to achieve. You're much more stunning than any of those Victoria's Secret models."

Betty just smiled a little and nodded, her arms tightening around him a little more.

She made a point of wearing the nightgown often after that; whether she was wearing it to entice her husband or whether she was just wearing it to bed, she always got a comment from Jughead about how sexy she looked, followed by a kiss.

Whenever she wore it she thought of what Jughead had told her when she'd first got it, and always remembered that whenever she felt self-conscious or like she wasn't good enough. His opinion was the only one that mattered, so she listened to it, and was able to see herself as beautiful too.

A/N: I'm literally the worst at ending one-shots omg I'm sorry.
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