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Liam slept at ours for the night. Teegan had shut him out and locked the doors. Liam was torn apart. He sat in one chair for days and days. He sat slumped back into the chair, legs apart and his head rested on his hands. He hasn't eaten in days and he was so pale. Jess had stayed at Teegan's and tried to explain. Jess had arranged a court case against this woman. What he didn't tell Teegan was that she didn't know they were going to the court case, she thought they were going shopping. Jess pulled up out the front of the court house and I greeted her there. Teegan's eyes widened as she came to reality and knew what had to be done. We each grabbed one of her arms and took her slowly inside. As we made our way into the courthouse, all our eyes scanned the room for the pregnant woman. Surely enough there she was, standing in the back corner with lawyers surrounding her. As one of her lawyers approached Liam's lawyer. Liam I told the bad news. Apparently, the woman is scared and worried for her life and her babies life when she is around Liam in the court. Yeah. Like Liam could hurt a fly!

Sitting in the courtroom Jess can't keep still. Bouncing around, fidgeting, looking around... Constantly. The judge comes in and takes a seat. We all rise and sit back down.

" Miss Carmel, you plead that Liam is the father to your unborn child"? The judge asks.

" Yes your honour, I am and he is the father".

"Liam, you plead this child is not yours and you are being framed? Is this correct"?

"Yes your honour". Liam replies with a shaky voice.

"Liam your lawyer has requested and he says you agree, that you would like a DNA test once the child is born. Is this correct"?

"Yes, your honour".

The woman who is pregnant looks like she is shitting herself right about now. She starts to sweat, fidget and look around the room constantly. Kind of like Jess.

"Then when the child is born he/she will be taken to the nearest DNA test lab and is to be tested. If there is any contesting of this it will be considered that he/she has panicked and is not telling the truth". The judge stands up and leaves the room. As the pregnant woman leaves the room she eyes off Liam and death stares Teegan.

**********4 months later**********

The child is born and is taken away to be tested. Liam, Teegan, Steph, Niall, Louis, Chels, Madi and Harry all sit anxiously in our living room. There is a knock at the door. Jess answers it. She enters the room holding a white envelope.

" Liam, can I open it"? Jess questions.

"Please". Liam responds. Jess opens the envelope and tears rolls from her eye. She looks up at Liam and gasps

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