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**********louis point if view*********

I woke up with cold sweats and fever. Thank god it was just dream. I check to see if Chelsea is beside me just to make sure it was a dream. She was nowhere to be found. Maybe it wasn't a dream. Maybe I was dreaming that it was a dream. I roll over and check my clock. It's four in the morning. I get up and go downstairs to make my self a warm cup of milk to help me go back to sleep. As I get downstairs the kitchen light is already on and is blinding me as I had just woke up. I fume around trying to feel my way to the kitchen. I stand in the door way into the bright light an a figure casts a shadow over my eyes. As my eyes adjust I notice its Chelsea. So it was a dream. She made herself a cup of warm milk as well and had some fever syrup on the counter table. She smiled and handed me the syrup.

"You were tossing and turning all night. I rolled over and felt your forehead and you had a raging temperature. So I came downstairs heated up two glasses of milk and got you some medicine". Chelsea says. She Directs her hand at the little medicine cup. An alarm goes off. My hands shoot straight to my ears. I can't stand the noise I have a huge headache. Chelsea rushes to the microwave and takes out the cup. She places it in the counter next to the medicine and directs her hand to the medicine once again. She walks over to me and pulls out my hand. She flattens it out and places the medicine cup in my hand. I roll my eyes, gulp the medicine down an throw my head back to help it go down my throat.

"Good boy". Chelsea smirks. I grab the glass of milk and take it upstairs. With in minutes I'm out like a light. When I wake I the morning it's not morning it 3:00 pm. I rub my eyes in amazement. Chelsea ahead taken the kids out to the park and I get to stay at home. I feel sick to the stomach and lie on the couch. I lay there for days. I don't move, don't talk and sleep. I'm feeling like shit. My head is pounding, my heart is at a constant high pace, I wake up every tens minutes with the sweats, I have a fever, runny nose, sore throat and I have no idea what is wrong. Chelsea starts to worry about me and take me to hospital. On the way there we drop the kids off at Stephs and don't stay for long. At the hospital it doesn't take long for them to run some tests when we got there. I stayed in hospital before I got back my results. I was in pain and I wanted to be healthy again. I was by myself when the doctor came into my room with my results.

"Louis I'm afraid you have a heart disease". For the first time in weeks my heart has actually slowed down but it's not back to its original pace. It's lower. My face drops and tears well in my eyes. I nod my head and sniff my nose. I try an look anywhere around the room. Trying to avoid the doctors eyes. The eyes they put on when they deliver bad news and don't think you will make it.

"How? Why? My family". My family. I have to tell them. The doctor walks out of the room. Not twenty minutes later Chelsea arrives. A smile on her face thinking I will return home today. I look at her and shake my head.

"I'm staying in here for as long as it takes for me to get better. Which could be a long time". I say.

"But I thought..... What is it"?

"I have a heart disease". Chelsea looks at the ground and avoids the look I'm trying to give her. The look that is supposed to reassure her that I will be ok even when the odds are against me an that I will probably die.

"NO"! Chelsea storms out if the room and tears shreds off the doctor.

"I'm sorry about your husband ma'am but we are going todo everything we can".

"Hell yes you will! You will not let that man die! He is a good and caring person and he doesn't deserve this"!

"We know ma'am. He will be alright". Chelsea walks back in and spends several hours with me.

" darling I have to go but I will see you soon". She places a kiss on my forehead and leaves.

I'm in hospital for four weeks and I can feel myself dying. No one can live forever. Right? Sooner rather than later.

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