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Louis had written a note that he laid on his bed.

'For those who are reading this you know that I am dead.

Naa I'm kidding! I'm just outside.'

We venture outside and find Louis lying on the grass staring at the clouds. We take a seat beside him and lay on our back and look up into the sky. Louis raised his arm and pointed at one particular cloud.

"Look! That one looks just like a...." Louis trails off and we all start to laugh.

******** Harry's point of view********

As we get ready to go home I go and collect the kids from out back. Our youngest son is asleep and is as cute as ever, our second youngest son is by his side. Our youngest son jack has his head resting on our second youngest lap. I picked jack and held him tight in my left arm, his head was resting on my shoulder. Sam followed behind me holding my remaining hand. As we arrived home Madi pointed out to me that one of the windows had been smashed.

"Stay here with the kids and i'll go and check it out". I tell madi.

I slowly open the door and grab a near by lamp. I know that wont defend me much but it's the only thing that I can easily swing around. I hear scratching and scuttling all around the house. I have to admit I was a but worried at what I would find. I was expecting a person or a possum or something but I had no idea I would find a raccoon. I chase it all around the house. I hear foot steps approaching and think its Madi coming in to see how I was doing, but I was wrong again. It was Sam. He toddled in to see what's going on. He walked up to me even though I was telling him to go away. It seems harsh to do that but I didn't want him to get hurt. As he came even closer to me Madi ran in and stopped at the door. That's when it happened. The raccoon came out of no where and grabbed Sam by the neck and chomped down on it. I just made it in time to catch him as he fell. With out even thinking Madi ran back to the car and called an ambulance. I picked up Sam and ran to the car. We tried to stop the bleeding but nothing seemed to work.

The ambulance couldn't of come sooner. Just as it tribes Sam went into shock. He was revived over three times in the ambulance. We went to a special children's hospital and he was taken into emergency straight away. About an hour and a half later a doctor came in to tell us that he was waking up and they didn't know if he was going to make a quick recovery or a slow one or even if he was going to make it the night. Madi stayed the night and I took the kids to Steph an Niall's for the night. I returned home an don't worry the raccoon got what he deserved. The next morning Madi called and told me I had to come back to the hospital. I had no idea what for but I was dreading what she might say.

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