Miss Jenn's Announcement

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Nini's POV

EJ and I walked into the auditorium to see all of the theater gang sitting on the stage.

"Hello Gabriella. Hello Chad" Miss Jenn said.

"Hey Miss Jenn" I said nervously.

"So, I have our rehersal timetables here. After-school every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Lunchtime for Troy, Gabriella, Taylor, Chad, Sharpay and Ryan on Thursdays just Troy and Gabriella on Tuesday lunchtime" she explained "Any questions?"

"Do Gabriella and Troy understudies come on Tuesdays?" Gina asked. She was playing Taylor and my understudy.

"No. Anyone else?" Miss Jenn answered.

"When do makeup crew and co come?" Kourtney asked.

"Only Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays after school. Anyone here can come during any of these practices to watch though" she smiled "That it?"

Everyone nodded and left.

"Nini?" Carlos said.

"Hey Carlos, what's up?" I asked him.

"Can you come in early tomorrow morning? We need to practice one of the final scenes" he asked.

"Sure, how early?" I smiled at him.

"8 suit?" He asked. I nodded and walked away.

The bell rang and I went to my next class.

*End of the school day*

I walked down to Ms Tundale's room and saw EJ walking out of it.

"EJ!" I shouted.

"Hey, I have to use the bathroom, can I meet you somewhere?" He asked me.

"Sure, I'll see you on the rooftop" I said, disappointed.

"Ok, see you in a minute" he kissed me and walked away.

I walked up onto the rooftop and sat down. Here is a nice place to think.

I look at my watch and see it's been an hour. Wow. Time really flies when you are thinking about what to do when you are 16 and have your ex's baby growing inside of you. EJ probably isn't coming so I leave.

I was walking through the school when EJ walked around the corner.

"EJ, where were you?" I asked him.

"Sorry but I had to do something at home but I came right back" he explained.

"And you didn't think of telling me? Or even texting?" I asked "You know. I'll see you tomorrow"

"Nini wait" he said. I stop with my back turned to him "One more thing. You need to lose some weight. I can't walk around with a gaining weight girlfriend, now. Can I? I would lose my popularity and we can't let that happen" He laughed.

I wanted to give him a piece of my mind but I bit my toungue to keep my mouth shut.

"Bye Nini" he said as we ran away.

I just fell onto the ground, crying.

"Nini?" Ricky asked "Oh my gosh. Are you ok?" He came over and sat beside me.

"No Ricky. No. I am sitting in the middle of school balling my eyes out. I am not ok" I told him.

"What's wrong? Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"Actually. Yes, please" I said "Want to come over to mine?" I wiped my tears away and got up.

"Ok, thanks" he got up and we walked to my house.

"Why were you in school so late?" I asked Ricky.

"I could ask you the same thing" he laughed. This was surprisingly more comfortable than I thought it would be "I was talking to Miss Jenn about the play, you?"

"I was waiting on EJ to tell him something but he ditched me and then when I went to find him he told me that basically I was getting fat" I said, looking at the ground.

"Really? Why?" He asked, concerned.

"He told me that I needed to lose weight because he doesn't want his reputation ruined" I said on the verge of ready to cry.

"Hey, are you ok? Something's different" he asked, stopping.

"Gosh, my ex realizes but my boyfriend doesn't" I mutter "I... I'll tell you at the house. You might need to sit down"

"Okayyyy" he said.

This chapter is longer than the others! Thanks!

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