Talking about the future

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Ricky's POV

Nini walked into my room.

"Hey babe" I greeted her.

"Hey" she kissed me as she lay down in the bed.

"How Olivia?" I asked, putting my arm around her like we used to do.

"She hasn't woken us all night so that must be good" she laughed "What was your bad dream about?"

"You left me and Olivia for YAC and when I saw you next, years later, you were married to another man and you had other kids and had completely forgotten about us" I answered.

"Oh... I would never" she looked guilty.

"I know it's just a dream but it felt so... Real" I smiled at her "What do you want to talk about?"

"What about the future?" She responded "Like, how many kids do you want?"

"I want 3 kids. It's a good number or something and it just... I don't know... I just like the number" I confessed.

"I want 3 too. I've always wanted 3 kids" she smiled.

"What about... Marriage?" I asked her "Do you want to get married? If so, what age?"

"Yeah. I do want to get married someday. 24 has always been my lucky number so I'd want to get married at that age" she smiled at me "But to be honest I couldn't really care what age. As long as it was to the right person"

"I want to get married too and I've never really thought about what age I wanted to do it at" I returned the smile.

"What about jobs and where you want to live?" She asked me "I want to stay in Salt Lake City and be the drama teacher for East High"

"I want to stay here too. Salt Lake is the best! For jobs I'm not too sure yet" I said to her "Do you want any pets?"

"Yes, but only a hamster or something because I've never wanted a dog or cat or something like that" she told me.

"I've never wanted a pet" I admitted "I had this phase when I was younger that I wanted a dog but that didn't last too long"

Then we heard Olivia crying in the room beside us.

"Olivia calls" my girlfriend yawns.

"I never really asked you to be my girlfriend" I told her, getting up.

"Well..." She smiled at me as we walked out the door.

"Will you be my girlfriend... Again?" I laughed, walking into her room.

"I will" she gave me a quick peck on the lips before looking down at our daughter "Hey Olivia"

"You didn't feed her before she slept so that's probably what it is" I told her, getting under the covers of her bed.

"Do you wanna sleep in here for the rest of the night?" She asked me while getting ready to feed Olivia.

"I thought you'd never ask" I laughed and lay down.

"You are so lucky you don't have to do this every couple of hours" she smiled at me.

"I'm also so lucky I have you. Love you" I told her while lying on my back so I can get to sleep.

"I love you too" she confessed.

I'm so glad everything turned out well.

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