Arrow frustration

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So Grian's game of Tag is coming to an end, I never signed up for tag but I wanted to watch the final showdown.

So while Tango was busy trying to add faces to the buildings of toon towers I sneakily made my way over to the shopping district to watch the showdown.

I decided to stay hidden, I don't know why but I don't trust Keralis.

I saw Xisuma and Keralis by the Tag winnings.
They seemed ready to fight.
I just sat on top of the town hall.
I saw Someone walking around the shopping district with like 30 dogs.

And soon False arrived along with someone in a bloody apron.

I kept my eyes on every one. Soon arrows were being launched, and potions were being splashed.
The person with 30 dogs ended up being Joe, I chuckled as he tried hitting Xisuma and Keralis with sticks. 

Soon the three against the two bees made camp in the town hall. And stupidly I stayed put on top. Because Keralis is kinda trigger happy with that bow. There were a few miss fires of arrows that seemed like they would fly towards me.

It seemed Joe was trying to convince the dogs to attack for him. I could see the frustration on False's face as she couldn't kill either bee.
Those two were unstoppable.

Soon the battle had been taken to the water I still wanted to watch but... couldn't see from above the water. So I went under the water...

I don't think Keralis noticed I wasn't trying to attack them... as some arrows went my way.

I fled as this probably wasn't safe for me... and went back to my perch on town hall.
I noticed an arrow lodged in my cyborg arm.
Well tango isn't going to be happy about this...
I attempted to remove the arrow but it didn't seem to want to leave.... maybe I can just say it was a skeleton?

I soon got bored watching, so I decided to head over to Grian's mansion.

"Heya Grian!" I shouted to get his attention.

"Hello SB, what's with the arrow in your arm...?" He asked.

I explained to him what happened, and he laughed a little.

"Could ya help me get the arrow out please."

"Of course I have an idea, wait here."

He came back with some rockets and rope.

"What's that for....?" I asked now concerned if asking Grian for help was a good idea.

"To get the arrow out!" He said excitedly.

"... what are you doing with that?"

"Ok here me out, I'm gonna tie the rope to the arrow on one end, and on the other I'm gonna tie it to a rocket."

"That Sounds like an awful plan that will back fire easily." I said nervously.

"We won't know until we try!"

"Alright then."

He tied the rope to both the arrow and rocket, I held on to a fence.

And right before he was about to light the rocket Scar arrived.

"Uhhhh what's going on?" Scar asked confused about the scene in front of him.

"SB has an arrow stuck in her robot arm and we're trying to get it out." Grian explained.

"Ok need any help?"

"Not sure yet. Lemme light this rocket." Grian said while lighting the rocket.
The rocket took off into the sky and jerked my arm upwards so much it actually hurt around where the arm becomes apart of me.

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