Part 10

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A/N: Super long chapter as an early Christmas present to whoever reads this! (It's just turned midnight so it's now Christmas Eve as I'm posting this!) Hope you enjoy this intense chapter (GO KATY!).

8th January, 2012

Katy had slept restlessly the night she found out she was pregnant. She tossed and turned all night, and finally fell asleep around three o'clock in the morning. When she awoke later that morning, she lay in bed with her eyes closed for a moment, until she suddenly remembered the events of the day before. Sighing, she rolled over to check the time on her phone, noting it was half past eight. As she unlocked the phone, a new message popped up from the person she least wanted to speak to.

Russell: I'm coming over later this morning to pick up my stuff.

Katy didn't reply, figuring he would come regardless of her reply, so she threw her phone beside her on the bed and went to get ready for the day, taking a shower and getting dressed before going downstairs to make some breakfast. She tried to be as quiet as possible, as Shannon had stayed in her guest room the night before and was still sleeping.

Wandering into the kitchen leisurely, Katy tried to decide what to eat, browsing through the cupboards which were mostly filled with junk food, quick snacks and two minute noodles. Inspiration hitting her, she popped two slices of bread in the toaster and began raiding the fridge for the rest of her ingredients.

Five minutes later, Shannon wandered into the kitchen and stopped in her tracks, staring at Katy as her best friend was about to take a bite of a disgusting looking concoction.

"What the fuck are you about to eat, Katheryn?" she asked warily, eyeing the toast with disdain.

Katy jumped at the sudden intrusion and looked at Shannon in surprise. "Morning! It's tuna, peanut butter, barbeque sauce and sprinkles on toast! Doesn't it look great?!"

Shannon went pale. "I think I'm going to be sick," she muttered, but watched in fascination as Katy took an enthusiastic bite. Suddenly, Katy's face turned whiter than Shannon's as she dropped the toast on the floor and hurled around, barely making it to the sink before she started throwing up.

"Fuck..." she cried miserably as bile stung her throat. Shannon jumped into action and pulled back Katy's hair with one hand, rubbing her back with the other.

It was another minute or so before Katy was completely finished being sick. "Sorry Shan..." she whispered croakily as she wiped her mouth. "I guess that wasn't such a good idea after all."

Shannon snorted. "Ya think?!" she said sarcastically, laughing as she comforted her best friend. Katy turned around to get a drink of water, and tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at the mess splattered on the floor.

"Kate, don't cry sweetie!" said Shannon concernedly, hugging Katy tightly. "It can be cleaned up easily, I'll do it in a sec, okay?" Then she thought for a moment and laughed. "Wow Kate, your pregnancy is really becoming obvious this morning! First you have a disgusting craving, then you get sick, now your hormones are kicking in and making you cry!"

Katy laughed weakly. "I've only known I'm pregnant for less than twenty four hours and I already hate it!" As she hugged Shannon back, they heard the front door open and then close again.

"Shit," whispered Katy, suddenly upset again.

"Who is it?" Shannon asked, confused.

"It's Russell... He texted me before saying he's coming to get his stuff this morning," Katy replied. Just as she finished speaking, Russell appeared in the doorway to the kitchen.

"Hi Katy," he began, then trailed off as he took in the scene in front of him. "What the... Umm is this a bad time?" he asked, looking from Katy's tearstained face and Shannon's arms around her to the mess on the floor.

"There's never going to be a good time for this, Russell," Katy snapped angrily. "Can you get your stuff and just go, please?"

Russell put up his hands in surrender and backed out of the room, leaving Katy and Shannon alone.

"Wow," said Shannon, impressed. "Bitchy Katy is coming out to play!"

Katy laughed. "Being rude to him felt good actually," she admitted. "But how the fuck am I meant to tell him about the baby?" she asked worriedly, lowering her voice at the end on the off chance Russell was still in hearing distance.

"I think you just have to go for it, babe," replied Shannon. "There's no easy way to do it, you just have to tell him."

Katy nodded determinedly and went to follow Russell upstairs.

"Good luck!" Shannon called after her.

Katy headed straight for the bedroom she and Russell once shared, figuring he would be there packing his clothes. She was right.

"Russell, we need to talk," she said, keeping her distance from the man she loved dearly up until very recently.

Russell turned around, surprised that Katy had initiated a conversation. "Sure," he said, seemingly unconcerned.

Katy took a deep breath before blurting the words out. "I'm pregnant."

Russell froze for a minute, staring at his soon to be ex-wife. Then he laughed. "Right. So this is your way of hoping we'll get back together, knowing how much I want a child?"

"No," said Katy, trying to remain as calm as possible to avoid stressing out herself and the baby in her stomach. "I'm serious. I found out yesterday."

"Bullshit. I want proof."

"Fine," retorted Katy, spinning on her heel and going into the bathroom. She picked the used pregnancy test out from the top of the bin and returned to show Russell.

He paled as he read the white stick with the pink plus sign etched on the little screen.

"There you go," Katy said coldly. "I don't expect you to have anything to do with us. I don't even want you to be around. I just thought I'd tell you as it's the decent thing to do." She turned to leave the room, accidentally brushing against Russell's arm as she moved past him.

Lightning fast, he grabbed her arm and spun her to face him, a serious look on his face. "Katy, I'm so fucking sorry."

Katy snorted. "Sorry? For what, leaving me? Getting me pregnant? You're going to have to elaborate, Russell."

"I'm sorry for everything. Maybe... Maybe we should try again. Maybe I was a little hasty in filing for a divorce..."

Katy looked at Russell incredulously. "Are you serious right now? You think that just because I've told you I'm pregnant, that's going to change our relationship? Russell, you left me, remember? You were the one that wanted a divorce. Our marriage wasn't working, a baby isn't going to change that! At this point, it's probably the worst possible thing that could happen!"

"Katy..." Russell pleaded.

Katy yanked her arm out of Russell's strong grip. "No! You don't get to beg me to come back to you! When I know that you're weak, Russell! You're a weak man who can't deal with being married to a strong, independent woman like me. You don't run my life, especially not now, and I'm not going to come running back to you at the drop of a hat! I've already accepted that you left me, and I'm cutting you out of my life forever!"

Russell was crestfallen, close to tears as his soon to be ex-wife yelled at him. He was proud of her, for standing up to him. He knew she was right, he was weak. He knew he deserved every word Katy was throwing at him, and he'd never loved her more than he did right now. But he also knew he'd just ruined the best thing he'd ever had, and he'd never regret anything more than he'd regret the moment he filed for divorce.

Katy stopped yelling, suddenly exhausted. She could feel a headache coming on. "Just get your shit and leave, Russ. I'm done with you, forever. We don't need you, and we don't want you."

With that, she stormed out the door, knowing that would be the last time she ever saw Russell again.

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