Part 11

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A/N: Surprise! Another update in time for Christmas! Enjoy! Vote, comment and share! Merry Christmas everyone!

Katy walked slowly down the stairs, collapsing on the couch when she got to the living room, finding Shannon already sprawled on the other armchair.

“I’m impressed, Kate,” said Shannon, not taking her eyes off her phone. “You actually stood up for yourself for once.”

Katy snorted. “Gee thanks, Shan. I’m not that much of a pushover, am I?”

“Not usually,” Shannon replied. “Only around him.”

Katy conceded the point and reached for the remote control, turning on the television and flicking through the channels. Nothing popped out at her, so she turned it off, sighing. “Let’s do something,” she told Shannon.

“Ugh, can’t we just sit here and do nothing? I’m tired!” Shannon complained.

“You’re so boring,” retorted Katy, sticking her tongue out childishly.

Just as she finished speaking, her phone rang.

“Hey Tam,” Katy answered, putting it on speaker.

“Can I come over, Katy? There’s a few things we need to talk about,” said Tamra.

Shannon interrupted the conversation before Katy could answer. “Yes! Get this whingy bitch off my case, Tam!”

Tamra laughed. “I’m on my way,” she reassured before hanging up.

Katy launched herself at her best friend, sitting on top of her and pinning her arms behind her. “You’re such a bitch, Shannon!”

“Hey, I’m just stating the truth, babe!” Shannon replied, lifting her head up to lick Katy’s cheek.

“Eww!” squealed Katy, letting go of Shannon’s hands to wipe her cheek furiously. “You’re disgusting.”

Shannon laughed evilly. “And that’s why we’re best friends.”

As the two women stopped laughing, they heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs. Russell popped his head around the door frame. “Goodbye, Kate,” he said in a soft, sad voice, before letting himself out the house, dragging two large suitcases behind him.

Not thirty seconds later, Tamra entered the living room, a confused look on her face.

“Was that Russell I just saw in his car as I was pulling in to the driveway?” she asked, flopping down on the couch next to Katy.

Shannon nodded. “He came to get his stuff. Katy told him off real good!”

Tamra looked at Katy, who she noticed was looking into her lap, studying her folded hands intently. “Kate?” Tamra questioned softly, moving closer to her friend and boss as she saw a single tear fall onto Katy’s hand.

Katy breathed in deeply, looking up at her friends and forcing a small smile as she wiped away her tears. “It’s okay. I’m okay,” she said, almost like a mantra to herself. “It’s just difficult to think about the fact that this is really the end of an era. He’s really gone.”

Shannon pulled Katy into a hug. “That might be true, Kate, but it’s also the beginning of another era. You’re going to be an amazing mommy, and you’re going to do it without him. You’re so strong, even if you don’t always feel it, and in those times you’ll have us by your side, helping you every step of the way. I promise I’m going to be the best honorary Aunt Shanny ever!”

Katy chuckled as Shannon lightened the sombre mood. “Thanks Shan. I love you guys.” After a moment, she spoke again. “Tam, what did you need to talk about?”

“Oh, right,” said Tamra. “Well, I just wanted to check that you’re happy to finish off your tour. There’s only two dates left honey, in Indonesia and the Phillipines, and then you’ll be all done.”

Katy nodded. “Of course I’ll finish it. My fans are counting on me, I can’t let them down. Besides, it’s not like I’m showing yet, no one will even know I’m pregnant.”

“Yeah, unless you puke on stage,” snorted Shannon, finding the image of Katy throwing up halfway through a concert to be hilarious.

“Holy shit, what if that actually happens?” panicked Katy, her eyes widening. “Oh God, maybe this isn’t such a good idea…”

“Kate, you’ll be fine!” reassured Tamra, throwing a dirty look at Shannon for planting the seed of doubt in Katy’s mind. “You’ll be on an adrenaline high, you know the feeling! You can push through anything, I know you’ll be able to do it.”

Shannon nodded, looking guilty. “I was just kidding Kate, I’m sure that’s not going to happen. It’s called morning sickness for a reason, right?”

Anyway!” continued Tamra, ignoring Shannon. “Given that you’ve given the go ahead to do the shows, you need a few more rehearsals before we go, just to make sure everything is up to scratch after a couple of months break.”

“We may as well start tomorrow then,” Katy said. “It’s the… 8th today, right?”

“Yep, today is the 8th, and your Indonesia concert is on the 19th,” replied Tamra. “Is it okay if I book your flight for the 16th? That way you can have a good rest and have a couple of days to get over your jet lag before having to perform, sound good?”

Katy nodded. “Yep, that’s good.”

Tamra made a note in her phone confirming the dates, then looked up and smiled.

“All right, well that was all I really needed to talk about. I’ll get your driver to pick you up at ten tomorrow morning and bring you to the studio for dance rehearsals, okay?”

Katy groaned. “Ugh I hate dance rehearsals… But I guess I don’t have a choice, do I?”

“Nope,” smirked Tamra. “See you tomorrow morning! Shan, don’t keep her up all night, she needs to sleep, especially now that she’s gotta dance with a little person in her stomach!”

Shannon poked her tongue out at Tamra in retaliation, then watched as Katy looked down, lifting up her top and caressing her stomach lightly with her fingertips.

Katy looked up and noticed both Shannon and Tamra watching her with little smiles on their faces. Katy’s face broke into a smile too. “I can’t believe this is actually happening,” whispered Katy. “It’s scary, but kind of exciting too. I guess I can’t wait to be a mom!”

“You’re gonna be an amazing mom, Kate, I just know it,” replied Shannon, smiling at her best friend.

“I hope so!” laughed Katy, then made a face. “Ugh I need to pee…”

She hurried away as Tamra and Shannon laughed. “The perks of being pregnant!” joked Tamra.

“I thought you were leaving, Tamra?!” yelled Katy over her shoulder.

“I am!”

“Good, take Shannon the annoying midget with you!”

Tamra laughed at Shannon’s outraged face and pulled Shannon towards the door. “You heard the boss, let’s go!”

“Can we get food?” asked Shannon hopefully.

Tamra rolled her eyes. “Some things never change…”

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