Part 14

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A/N: I don't know when I'll be able to update next as I'm going away for a week after New Year's Day, so I got this done now to hopefully tide you over! I would love some votes and comments, again let me know if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!! Are people actually liking this story? It's a bit hard to know when my number of reads keeps increasing every day but I never get any votes or comments :(

27th January, 2012

Katy had been home for three days and had not left the house. She had been resting all day every day, getting plenty of sleep, and watching movies and writing a couple of songs. Shannon had been over every spare moment she had, often bringing Markus, to continue party planning. It was now Saturday, the day of the party, and Katy was finally over her jet lag and ready to party, albeit tamer and more sober than what she was used to.

Katy had carefully selected the people she wanted to invite, very aware that she would be revealing the news of her pregnancy to the party tonight, and didn’t want anyone there who might possibly sell the story to the media at the first possible opportunity. So far, the only people who knew Katy’s secret were Shannon, Angela, Tamra, Bradford, Russell of course, and now Markus.

Markus had become very suspicious when Shannon had involved him in party planning and told him there was to be no alcohol at all at the end-of-tour celebration for Katy. He had pestered Katy relentlessly until she finally gave in and told him two days ago, just so he would shut up. Except ever since then, he had been suggesting baby names to Katy every time he entered her house, which was driving her up the wall.

Katy was still lying in bed at eleven o’clock the morning of the party, scrolling through twitter and trolling her KatyCats’ tweets, favoriting some every so often. She was giggling at the instant responses she received when she heard the front door open and Shannon yell up the stairs, “Oi bitch! You up?”

“I’m asleep, go home,” Katy yelled back.

She could hear Markus laughing downstairs, and knew it was only a matter of seconds before the two of them charged upstairs to drag her out of bed.

Sure enough, less than twenty seconds later Shannon came sprinting into the room, diving onto Katy’s bed, only narrowly missing hitting Katy.

“Katy, get your preggo ass out of bed right now!” demanded Markus. “We got shit to do, honey!”

“I can’t do anything, I’m pregnant,” refused Katy, crossing her arms stubbornly.

“That’s bullshit and you know it, Kate,” laughed Shannon. “Now get up, it’s party day!”

“Oh, I almost forgot!” Markus squealed. “I got another baby name for you!”

Katy rolled her eyes. “Here we go…” she muttered sarcastically.

“You ready?” Markus clapped his hands excitedly for a moment, then became serious and finally revealed his newest name. “Shaniqua!”

Shannon snorted loudly, while Katy just stared at Markus. “My baby is not from the ghetto, Markus Molinari,” she replied with a straight face.

Shannon burst out laughing, giving Katy a high five. Katy cracked a smile, and they both watched as Markus’ face dropped.

“Fine,” he retorted dramatically. “I guess I’ll go see if my services are wanted elsewhere. Like downstairs, setting up for someone’s party…”

Katy spent the rest of the day either pretending to help or trying to look busy so she wouldn’t get asked to do something else. Finally, Shannon ordered her upstairs at five o’clock to get ready, telling Katy she needed to look super hot as she was the guest of honour.

“Shanny!” yelled Katy after finishing her shower, wrapped in only a towel. “Come here!”

Shannon thundered up the stairs. “What?! What’s wrong?!”

“Nothing! I just wanted your opinion on what to wear…” said Katy. “Should I wear a tight dress and make my tiny little bump show, or should I wear a flowy dress to hide it until I make the announcement?”

Shannon pondered for a moment. “Go with a tight dress. Your little bump is so cute, and unless people look closely, they won’t really notice. Besides, you’re gonna make the announcement as soon as the last person arrives, right?”

“Yeah, I guess. Maybe I’ll just stay up here until everyone is here, then go down and make the announcement straight away? Then I don’t have to avoid any questions before I tell everyone.”

“Yeah, sounds good! Hurry up though, people are gonna start getting here in like half an hour.”

Katy finished getting ready, hearing the sounds of her friends and family arriving. Shannon entered the room just as Katy was pulling on her tight purple strapless dress, her hair and makeup done to perfection.

“You look great, Kate,” said Shannon. “Everyone’s here now, they’re waiting for you to come down.”

Katy smiled and followed Shannon out the room. As she appeared in the backyard where everyone was gathered, her friends and family cheered, calling out congratulations for finishing her tour. After they quieted down, Katy began to speak, a big smile on her face. She was nervous to present her news, but felt extremely loved and supported in the presence of the people she valued most in the world.

“Thanks for coming everyone!” she began. “I’m so glad that you could all come to my end-of-tour party! It’s been such a massive year, and while it didn’t end on such a high note, I couldn’t have got through any of this without you all supporting me every step of the way. I know you’re all wondering why I’m having a party with no alcohol, and trust me, I would love a stiff drink right now, but unfortunately I can’t, so I’m making you all suffer with me…”

Katy was cut off by a loud gasp from her mom, and their eyes locked. Katy knew her mom had worked it out already, and knew most people wouldn’t be far off either, so she decided to just say it.

“I’m pregnant, guys.” There was silence for a moment, no one really knowing what to say as most of the people in attendance knew that Katy had been fighting with Russell about this very issue. Katy continued. “I know you all know that I wasn’t keen on becoming a mom just yet, and yes, it’s not the best timing but luckily I’ve finished my tour now and can take a little time off. Russell and I are not getting back together, and despite the fact that I didn’t want to have a baby yet, it’s really happening and I do love this baby already.” She smiled and dropped her hand to her barely visible bump, caressing it gently.

Suddenly she was swarmed by people, mostly the women in attendance, and bombarded with questions. Patiently, she answered all their questions, and eventually was met by her mom’s open arms.

“I love you so much, Katheryn,” whispered Mary, kissing Katy’s hair as she embraced her. “I know this isn’t quite how you planned it, but I know you’re going to be an amazing mother. Your baby is going to be so blessed to be raised by such a wonderful woman like yourself.”

Katy sniffled, overcome with emotion. “Mom, don’t make me cry at my own party!”

“Sorry, honey,” Mary chuckled, squeezing her daughter tightly before pulling away and reaching up to wipe Katy’s tears away with her thumb. “But I’m going to be a grandma!”

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