Part 20

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A/N: This chapter is a bit lighter anf shows Katy trying to move on. Next chapter is a big tell-all exclusive interview which may end up being emotional again, sorry! Thankyou SO much for reading this everyone, I'm hoping to get to 500 reads with this chapter. Please please PLEASE comment and vote for my story, I would really love to see/hear what people think of it. It's hard to know, given that people are reading it but no one is commenting or voting, whether people actually like it or not... I would also love some suggestions for future chapters as I'm running out of ideas tbh and not sure how much longer this story will be going for... So PLEASE let me know what you think should happen next!

27th February, 2012

Katy’s road to recovery was slow. Her whole team and everyone around her, including herself, knew that it would take a while for Katy to fully accept everything that had happened recently and move on in her life.

It was less than a week after Katy had contemplated ending her life when she was visited by Tamra and Bradford on a Monday morning. Katy had been forcing herself to get out of bed every morning before nine o’clock, getting back into a routine. When Tamra and Bradford arrived, Katy had been up for two hours, had eaten a healthy breakfast, done a half hour long workout and showered already. She flung open the door to greet them with a smile on her face, and they couldn’t help but smile back at the infectious grin she was giving them.

“Hi guys!” she greeted happily, bestowing tight hugs upon them both before leading them into the living room. They all took seats before Katy asked, “What’s up?”

Bradford cleared his throat and began to speak first. “Katy, you’ve been out of the public eye for quite a while now. We’ve delayed the release of Part of Me, as you were obviously in hospital when it was scheduled to be released.”

Katy interrupted before he could continue. “I’ve been thinking about that the last couple of days. I think now is the perfect time to release it. It’s already fully recorded and ready to be put out there. I’m ready to get back to work, I need a distraction.”

“Great!” Bradford smiled. “What about rereleasing Teenage Dream, you were talking about that a fair bit at the end of last year. Do you still want to do that?”

Katy nodded enthusiastically. “There’s two more songs that I’ve got written for that aside from Part of Me, plus E.T with Kanye and Last Friday Night with Missy. I want to get it done as soon as possible.”

“I’m so glad you’re so keen to get this happening, Katy,” said Bradford, grabbing her hand. “I’m so proud of you.”

Tamra nodded her head in agreement, a big smile on her face as she gave Katy a hug. “Me too,” she said. “I knew you could get through this, you’re so strong.”

Katy smiled modestly, but inside she was glowing with the praise from two of her closest friends but also her two harshest critics. The words they were saying meant a lot to her, and she was proud of herself too for throwing herself back into work so quickly.

“What about interviews?” Bradford asked hesitantly. “You haven’t been seen for a couple of months, Kate, you’re gonna need some promotion.”

“I know,” Katy sighed. “That’s another thing I’ve been thinking about. I reckon the best thing to do is get everything out in the open. I want the world to know about my baby Ella, I’m not ashamed of her. It will be hard talking about her, but it will be harder keeping her a secret from the whole world, especially when I’m asked why I haven’t been seen around recently.”

“That’s so brave, Kate,” replied Tamra, holding Katy’s hand tightly. “Is there anyone in particular you’d like to do an exclusive interview with to get it all out in the open?”

Katy thought for a moment. “Probably Ellen. I’m closest to her, it will be the easiest to talk to her about it.”

Tamra nodded. “That sounds like a good choice,” she said. “Ellen will be the most supportive I think.”

Bradford added his agreement. “I’ll get in contact with her in the next couple of days to arrange it, I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to accommodate you on the show. And I’ll book you into the studio for tomorrow, is that okay?”

“Yep. The songs I want to record are completely finished, they just need to be recorded now,” confirmed Katy.

“Great! What kind of timeline are you thinking?” he asked.

“I’d really like to get Part of Me out as soon as we possibly can. How about tomorrow?”

Tamra grinned at Katy, knowing what Bradford’s reaction was about to be. He didn’t cope well without advance warning.

“Tomorrow?!” Bradford exclaimed. “Wow Katy, when you say as soon as possible, you aren’t kidding!”

“I never kid,” replied Katy with a straight face. Next to her, Tamra buried her face into a cushion on the couch, trying to hide her laughter.

“Riiiight…” smirked Bradford. “Well, I suppose we can do tomorrow, given that it is ready to be released. How about the album?”

Katy pondered. “Would two or three weeks be long enough?” she asked.

“Depends how the recording goes with these last couple of songs,” replied Bradford. “And depends on the new album cover shoot, we need to get that organised. How about I sort all the details out and let you know. You just turn up at the studio tomorrow to start recording, does that sound okay?”

“That’s perfect, thanks Bradford!”

Katy showed him and Tamra out, and shut the door behind them after saying goodbye. She had been working hard the last few days in order to move forwards from the dark place she had been in. Throwing herself back into work and surrounding herself with the people she loved, doing the thing she loved most in the world on a daily basis was exactly what she needed to pull herself from the depression once and for all. Katy grinned and hugged herself excitedly, pleased that things were finally going her way.

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