Part 18

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A/N: Don't hate me for this chapter! Please share, comment & vote, thankyou for reading!

21st February, 2012

Katy was discharged from hospital two days after she woke up. She was still a little sore, but mostly recovered from her ordeal. Physically, that is. Emotionally, she was still a wreck. She had spoken briefly to her whole family, her team and the rest of her friends who were about to arrive at her house to attend the small memorial Katy was holding in her backyard.

She quietly greeted everyone as they arrived, taking comfort in the support and love they were giving her. When everybody was situated in the backyard, Shannon stood up to speak. Katy had asked her to conduct as much of the memorial as possible, as she knew she would be unable to keep it together for very long. Katy was planning to say only a few words, and even then she knew she would struggle to not break down.

The memorial was short and sweet, and Katy cried the whole time. She was inconsolable when her family presented her with a gift, a beautifully designed and hand-crafted bench to put in her garden, a simple yet stunning engraving on top.

Ella Grace Elizabeth Hudson

It was now nearing dusk, and everyone had gone home. Katy had even sent Shannon home, saying she needed to be alone. She was sitting on the new bench honouring her daughter’s memory in the backyard, hugging her knees to her chest as she sobbed uncontrollably.

As the darkness crept upon her, Katy came to an abrupt decision. She was unable to think rationally, her judgement was clouded by her devastation, and she knew it would probably be something she would regret in the near future, but she pulled her phone out, scrolled through her contacts and tapped the one name she never thought she’d call again.

Twenty minutes later, Katy’s hysterical crying was interrupted by the sound of what used to be her favourite voice in the world.


She looked up, into the eyes of her ex-husband. “R-Russ…” she sobbed, reaching her hand weakly, almost desperately, towards him.

“Katy, what’s wrong?”

Katy barely managed to speak through her tears. “My… Our baby died. She was a little girl, I had to give birth to my dead baby daughter.”

Russell’s face went pale, as his heart broke for his ex-wife who he still cared about very deeply. “Oh my God, Kate…”

Katy turned her head to the engraving on the bench, and Russell followed her gaze, reading the words for himself.

“Is that what you named her?” he asked softly, and Katy could only nod her head, overcome with tears once again. “It’s beautiful, Katy.”

He watched helplessly as Katy sobbed hysterically, her face buried in her hands. “Let’s get you inside, sweetie, it’s getting cold.”

Katy didn’t move, and eventually he moved forward and wrapped his arms around her, cradling her small body and lifting her into the air, holding her close to his chest.

Katy rested her head on Russell’s shoulder, relishing the familiar warmth spreading through her as he carried her through the house and into her bedroom, depositing her gently on the bed. Katy clutched onto his shirt, pulling him down to her level.

“Kiss me, Russ,” she whispered brokenly.

Russell’s eyes widened. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Kate…”

Katy bit her lip enticingly, knowing what she was doing was wrong, but she just needed to feel something real and familiar amongst all the pain she was experiencing. “Please,” she begged, as Russell swiped his thumb across her cheek, wiping the constant trail of tears away.

Russell stared into Katy’s eyes, searching through the depths for confirmation that this was what she wanted, before crawling on top of her and placing his hands on both sides of her face, leaning in and slowly kissing her warm, soft lips.

Katy responded eagerly, throwing her arms around him and pressing her body as close to his as possible. Russell moved one hand to the back of her neck, reclining them onto the bed.

Katy felt Russell growing hard as she pressed her hips against his, and she heard him groan as he reluctantly pulled away from her.

“Kate, we shouldn’t be doing this…” he protested, closing his eyes as Katy’s hand trailed between their bodies to unzip his jeans.

“Who says?” she panted, pulling the zip down and leaning up to kiss him again.

Russell gave in and kissed her back harder than before, bringing his hands to cup her breasts gently, lovingly.

Katy moaned as he kissed her neck, and tilted her head to give him greater access. She had managed to get his pants off and was working on lifting his shirt up.

“Katy, take it slow, baby,” Russell whispered. “Let me do the work.”

Katy moved her hands and watched as Russell sat up, removing the rest of his clothes before slowly starting on hers, revealing inch by inch of perfect pale skin. She closed her eyes and moaned as he kissed his way down her toned body, until his head was between her legs, and she was writhing in anticipation for the long-awaited touch where she needed it so badly.

Entwining her long fingers in Russell’s hair, she pulled him up, wrapping her legs around his waist and opening her eyes, connecting her sparkling blue ones, still glittering with unshed tears, with his deep brown ones. She let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding as he pushed himself deep inside her, making her feel complete again for the first time in four months.

As the ex-husband and wife reconnected in the most intimate way possible, more tears leaked from Katy’s eyes, and Russell tenderly kissed them away as they moved in tandem.

Hours later, when Russell was fast asleep, his back to Katy, Katy sat up, pulling the sheet tight around her naked body. As she looked over at the sleeping form of her ex-lover, she cried again. For everything she regretted, like this moment, for the love she’d lost, for the love she never got to give to her daughter, and for the love that she so desperately craved but feared she’d never find again in its truest form.

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