Chapter 16 : Someone?

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September 2036

Unknown POV


"Two more kills, and I'll finally be a B Class Liquidator." I pulled the dagger out of the dead body's chest. Blood sputtered out of the dead body. Hurts, doesn't it? Serves you right.

Their screams are still not enough. The suffering they experienced won't amount to the immense fear I felt, from the moment I was shoved from being alive, almost falling to death's door.

These are not the screams I want to hear. These are not the screams that my ears desire.

I want to hear HER scream. Scream for mercy, scream for salvation-

I want to hear her scream for her life.

Well, too bad I can't hear it. She apparently died. Too bad indeed.

"Chiba-san? You're taking too long in there. I also paid good money for that girl, so let me have a taste t-" I looked at the door and saw the other guy from earlier with a terrified look on his face.

"Ch-Chiba? Oi! What the hell did you do to him?" He widened his eyes at the sight of the dead Chiba. "Did you do this? That can't be! You're just a high school girl." He shook his head violently.

When he calmed down, he looked at me and suddenly grabbed my shirt.

"You think you could get away with this?" He launched a sloppy punch, aimed at my head.


"Wha- ACK!" The dagger pierced his chest, and blood spilled on my shirt.

"AHHHH!" He screamed as his grip on me weakened. "Bastard! You'll pay for thi-"

He didn't get to finish as another dagger pierced his head.

Well, I could've just release my bloodlust and they would've probably die from the pressure. But-

"As expected, your puny screams cannot satisfy me." I pulled the dagger with minimum effort from the dead body. "One more. One more and my power will increase."

"I need it to increase. To kill HIM instead."


January 26, 2036

Fujita Asuga

"Fukuda-, Rakuro?" I stared at Aia intently. Where did her dominant and merciless personality go? Her mood swings are random and terrifying.

"You see, to become a Liquidator, either you need to be born with the talent to become one or, just simply kill another Liquidator." She smirked. "Since Fukuda Rakuro is seen as a threat to our organization, you killing him and becoming a Liquidator in the process, it's basically hitting two birds with one stone."

"Plus, you have abilities and talents that ordinary humans shouldn't be able to achieve. It's more than enough for you to defeat him." She continued.

So I'm basically a tool to the Killer Circle. What if I refuse? Will they kill me or would they just let me go? I doubt the second option will happen.

"What if I refuse?" I asked with a straight face. She didn't answer for a few seconds, filling the room with nothing but silence.

Finally, she spoke. "Don't get me wrong. This is not a request or anything." She licked her lips.

"This is an order, from the Absolute Ruler herself." Suddenly, a strong wave of pressure. All strength in my legs disappeared, and my head was pounding. What the? This is completely different from the pressure I felt when I met the other six. Just how insanely strong is she?!

"Do you want to know the reason why I'm called The Absolute Ruler?" She stepped on my back, making it harder for me to hear the intense pain.

"Because no one, and I mean NO ONE, can go against my orders." The intense pressure  suddenly stopped. Her leg was no longer on my back. I was still on the ground, processing what just exactly happened.

"Because if you do-"

"You'll immediately meet death."

I finally mustered the strength to stand up. Aia was seated and was just looking at me.

"Kill Rakuro. I will give you a week. Within the time, use all your resources and talents to the fullest to achieve your goal." She said. "If you fail, well, I think you already know what will happen." A wave of pressure hit me again, but only for a split second. That amount of pressure is almost enough to get me on my knees

Even if you say that, I still don't know how he looks like and where he currently is. One week is barely enough time for me to kill him...

"You'll be informed everything about his identity and his current whereabouts. You are to leave immediately after." She stood up and called the twins.

"Yes, Aia okaa-san?" The twins said at the same time. That terrifying thing really is their mother? But they do have different surnames right?

"Inform Asuga about Rakuro. Then, equip her with our high grade non-metal protective gear. She will need it when going against that Metal Manipulator Liquidator." Aia ordered.

"We will do as ordered, Aia okaa-san." The twins said in unison.

"Your reward will be discussed after completing the task." Aia waved her hand. "Now go."

"Let's request Aia okaa-san to read us a story before bed later." Ainu said. Aina nodded in response. They really still are kids. But, who knows how many people they've killed. Are they oblivious about what they've done?

The twins immediately escorted me out of the room and equipped me with the protective gear. Then, they gave me a photo of Rakuro, and explained his abilities.

So this guy just became a Liquidator yesterday? They are actually still not sure about his Flair. Also, he's teaming up with two others. One with Metal Manipulation, and another one with an unknown Flair. What a troublesome bunch.

But I have to do this. If I don't, I'll suffer the consequences.

I'll complete this mission. I'll kill Fukuda Rakuro, along with his allies.


Pretty short right? And yes, the first part of this chapter happened a few months after the events that happened in the previous chapters.

If you read all the chapters carefully, you probably already have a clue about who this new character is.

I'm sorry for any mistakes in grammar. And for my non-creative way of writing xD. I'm still in high school, plus English isn't my first language xD.

Next update on Monday.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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