Chapter 15 : A Terrifying Force

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January 25, 2036

Fukuda Rakuro

"Um, let's see. Where should I start?" Habiki scratched his head. "Killer Circle just came out publicly earlier right?" He asked me.

"Yeah. It was on TV." I replied.

"Despite only coming out now, the group is actually 10 years old." He said. "It's just that they finally found a way to get enhanced physical abilities and unique abilities."

"So, all these killers just came out now because they have abilities and stuff?" I asked to confirm.

"Basically. But, the original members already had abilities right from the start. It's still unknown how they got those abilities." He replied.

"So you're saying that their powers are even more terrifying than ours?" I widened my eyes.

"Yeah. That's why I need to team up with other Liquidators to beat the organization." He smirked. "And I just happened to come across an amazing one." Being complimented by a serial killer feels taboo.

"Do you have information on the abilities of the main members?" I asked.

"There were originally seven. They're called the Seven Bastions. The woman on TV earlier, Hamasaki Aia, is the leader of the seven." He explained. "Starting now, let's refer to the unique abilities of Liquidators as Flairs."

"Every Liquidator has the common ability, bloodlust, which can basically knock people out cold." He continued. "Flairs are the abilities of Liquidators, unique to each one. Aia's Flair, is called Absolute Ruler."

"She can make anyone follow her command. Makes sense that she's the leader right?" He laughed. "The crucial part here is, if they don't follow what she says-"

"Their heads would explode." He said. Well that's blunt. "That what makes her the perfect leader. Though she actually rules by fear."

"Next is Cameron Sky. She's American, and was a previous tattoo artist." He explained. "Her Flair is called The Queen's Curse. Basically, she can curse people by leaving tattoos. She can decide the specific time when the victim will die."

"So it's basically an unerasable time bomb huh." I remarked.

"Exactly. On to the next. Gavril Fortunatov. He's Russian. Now, this guy has a unique flair. It's called Fifty Fifty. He drops a coin from any location, and when I say any location, I mean ANY location. And that coin will always be the cause of tragic accidents."

"How does that even work?" I asked. That's terribly overpowered and terrifying.

"He's basically one of the causes of street accidents." He said. "Well, not all street accidents happen because of him though."

"Next is Antonio Delos Reyes. He's Mexican and his Flair is called The King's Aphrodisiac. Basically he can make drugs with a snap of his finger." He snapped his finger as he said that.

"Does he only make Aphrodisiacs or?"

"Nah. It's just a fancy name for his Flair." He laughed. "Next, Argenta Valentine. She's from Europe and her Flair is called Casanova's Charm. Basically, she can charm people, making then unable to make sensible decisions. It's pretty similar to Aia's Absolute Ruler, but it's also vastly different."

"Finally another Japanese person, Hayada Kouta. His Flair is called Mad Scientist. He can modify human bodies up to certain levels and make them cyborgs and stuff." He explained. "He was the one that created a way to produce us, Liquidators."

"I'm pretty sure I heard his name before-"

"He was a famous scientist for all his advances in mechanical technology, but he became a killer so." He shrugged.

"Those are the original six. The last one isn't very important right now, since he's only a temporary member." He said.

"All this stuff is making me dizzy." I pressed my temple.

"Anyways, I mentioned them by rank. Aia is the head of S Class killers, Cameron is the head of A Class killers, and so on." He said. "The temporary member, Sekiguchi Youta, is the head of the lowest class, F Class."

"Is he that weak?" I asked.

"He's definitely stronger than you. Now that you asked, I might as well explain." He replied. "Youta is the youngest of the Seven, and the only A Class killer. That means Youta, a 14 year old boy, has killed over 500 people." 500?! How can a 14 year old boy do something of that caliber? Even Habiki can't begin to compare to this Youta.

"You got a good idea of his strength now? The kid's Flair is called Enhance Agility. The name explains it all. He's pretty much the fastest and the most agile person in the world." He continued.

"He wouldn't even let 1 second pass to cut off someone's head." He said. That's extremely terrifying.

Then again, how do I confirm that all the stuff he's saying isn't made up? He's still a cold-blooded killer. I've been way too comfortable with him all this time.

I think it's about time I take action.



"Eyes on the road, don't stop driving." I grabbed his guitar and held it above his head. "I still don't trust you. Who knows if what you're saying is actually true. And I can't scratch off the feeling that-"

"The feeling, this craving that I have to kill you."

"Fukuda-san, didn't I tell you earlier, if we were to fight-"

"We won't get anywhere at all."

I slammed the guitar against Habiki's head.

"Did you really think I'd be killed by my own weapon?" He looked at me.

"I had to try." I launched a punch and hit his head. He still continued driving despite his bleeding head.

"Wait time out." He grabbed his phone and dialed someone. Who the hell asks for a time out in crucial times like these?

"Hey, Minoru-san? Looks like we're gonna be a few minutes late. Is that alright?" He said on the phone.

"Yeah we'll be there. Just gotta sort some things out. Thanks." He put his phone down and took a deep breath.

"Now where were we?"

"Oh right. Fukuda-san, just because you recently became a Liquidator, it doesn't mean you should be too confident." He said as the car slowed down and pulled to a stop.

"You still lack experience in the feild of combat. That overconfidence will lead you to your doom." He continued. "There are much more formidable oppo- Ack!"

I punched his stomach, sparing no time for him to finish talking. He was thrown outside the car. I got out of the vehicle and stepped on the road.

"Less talking. More fighting." I did a stance and signaled him to come at me.

He just laughed and wiped the blood off his mouth. "I already told you. If we were to fight, we won't get anywhere at all." He said

"But, the way you're handling things right now-"

"Is exactly my style."


I so don't know how to write fight scenes. The words are on the tip of my tongue but it just- AAAAHHH.

Well, pretty sure u guys r confused as hell now xD.

Let me clarify something. Bloodlust is basically the pressure or aura Liquidators release.

Meanwhile, Flairs are the unique to each Liquidator. Two Liquidators cannot have the same Flair.

Next chapter on Friday!

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