Chapter 11 : The Harsh Truth

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January 25, 2036

Fukuda Rakuro

"By the way, I'm Minoru. Akiyama Minoru." The guy wearing the suit said. "This one with the clipboard is Nakajima Ren, my apprentice. And lastly, he's Hokama Nori, a lawyer."

"I'm Hokama Nori. Sorry for being too nervous earlier. Meeting a person who killed the notorious Ruri-chan just made me excited." He smiled.

"You're pretty childish to be a lawyer." I laughed.

"Believe it or not, I'm pretty serious when it comes to work." He winked.

"It's reassuring to have people like you guys." I said. "Now, let's get back on topic."

"When is the Killer Circle gonna be announced publicly?" I said seriously. This could become an issue that would be too much for the government to handle. People would start panicking since there's still no known way to efficiently fight against these monsters.

Ten people died before I even killed a single killer. And that was just a C Class. Who knows what kind of monsters they have in check.

"Their leader, apparently she's called Aia, sent a private message to the Prime Minister. They're gonna broadcast about a  minute from now." Minoru replied.

"That fast?"

"Actually, they sent the message yesterday right after the incident." He explained. "It seems like the incident was the trigger for them to go public."

"Guess I woke up at the right time huh." I said.

"Minoru-san, it's time." Nori nodded. Minoru turned the TV on.

"Citizens of Japan, I am here to announce the existence of the new terrorist group, the Killer Circle. I am Hamasaki Aia, their acting leader." A woman with tattoos covering her right arm appeared on the screen. She had black, curly hair that reached to her waist, and pitch black eyes. She had skin that was incredibly pale. This woman is their leader?

"The goals of our group is too complex for you humans to understand. It actually pains me to call ourselves terrorists." She smirked. "Don't worry, we are not like those barbaric people who wants wars. Instead, we act individually."

"I'm sure that you now know the extent of our power. The incident yesterday proved it. Sadly, one of our Liquidators were killed in action."

Liquidator? Is she talking about Ruri-chan?

"Sakamoto Ruri will always be remembered."

Sakamoto? That's her full name huh.

"Now, onto business-

"I'm sure you're trying to figure out ways to go against us in equal footing. Unfortunately, Liquidators are basically one man armies." She explained. I can't deny that. If Habiki and Ruri weren't messing around, they could've killed us in an instant.

"Since I'm waiting for some fun and excitement, I'll tell you people how to fight us."


"You need to become a Liquidator yourself."

Silence followed after that. Become a Liquidator? That's basically falling into their bait. And how would that explain us fighting on equal footing?

"Your Prime Minister will explain the rest. For now, we have a new member that wants to say hello." She pulled a woman to her side. The woman was covered in blood, bruises on her face were very visible. "Come on, say hello Asuga-chan."

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