Chapter 13 : Kinoshita Minoru

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Unknown date

Kinoshita Minoru

"Nii-san! Are you going to go save people from the shadows again?"

"Well yeah! That's my job right? Even if they don't know I helped, the fact that they're safe is what's important." Haru smiled, patting my head. Tch. Liar.

"Can I become like you nii-san? I also want to work from the shadows too!" I showed a bright smile while admiring the person in front of me. Lies. All these misleading lies.

"Yeah of course! I'll teach you how to use a computer soon. You'll be an expert in no time. In fact, you could become better than me." He said as he put his hands on my shoulders. "Now, I have to go to work. I'll save a ton more people today." He smiled.

"All right Nii-san. Do your best!" I grinned as he waved at me while walking away. But who knew, two days later, the police came to our house and arrested my older brother Haru.

While he was being taken away, he looked at me with pleading eyes. Eyes that want me to believe every word he said. Every false statement he ever muttered.

Lies. It's all lies.


"Kinoshita! Any reports from our agents in China?" My boss shouted at me.

"Sir, if there are any, I'll let you know immediately. Besides, it's been pretty calm these past few weeks." I replied. "And are you sure the killer is still China? He has a few useful connections. He could be in Japan right now." I remarked.

"That's exactly why you have this job. It's your responsibility to know things like that. Aren't you the top in ethical hacking in your University?" He said.

"That's true. And that's why you should leave me alone and let me do my job." I stared at him.

"Okay okay. Just alert me when you get some new information on this killer's whereabouts." He walked away.

Working in this boring agency is taking a toll on me. But all this is worth it. It's all gonna be fun soon. Now all I have to do is encode this and-

"Eh? The power is out."

"It's pitch black in here."

"Of course it's pitch black there are no windows."

"Can someone turn on the back up power?"

"Yeah I'm on it."

"Geez. This blackout in the middle of-"

"Oh nice the lights are back. Everybody get back to work! Eh, Tachibana-"


"Hi- his head is gone! It was sliced off!"

Ah, the smell of fear calms my nerves.

Not that I'm nervous or anything.

Now. Let's turn off the lights and-

"Hey what- ACK!"

"What? What was tha- AHH!"

"Help. Call- call for help."

One by one, I'll swiftly kill all these bastards.
And we'll leave the boss for last.
"What happened? Are you guys hurt? Hey answer me!" It was obvious that my boss was trembling by the sound of his voice.

"Nobody's gonna answer you old man." I smirked. "You should be well aware that you're next." The lights went back and the beautiful scene in the office was finally revealed. Blood was on the desks, some heads of the office workers were gone, some had multiple injuries, but what was common among then was that-

They're lifeless. Limp. Dead.

"Mi- Minoru?!" He stepped back, his whole body trembling in fear. "Wh- why are you doing this? Are you insane?!"

"Oh, I'm well aware that I already lost my sanity." I replied and pointed the long sword at him.

"Yo- you're not gonna get away with this! You'll be a wanted man! You'll be hunted down by the whole country!" He walked back and hit the wall. He looked at me with fear in his eyes.

"I'm your best employee right? You should know that I'm well aware of that." I smirked. "Plus, I'm already wanted in five countries. One more wouldn't make a difference."

His eyes widened upon his realization. He just hired a bloodthirsty killer.

"Now, time to cut your head off."

"No. No! AHHH-"


"Well that really let me blow off some steam. I'm beat." I grabbed his decapitated head and threw behind me. "20 more kills."

"Let's fullfil that target before meeting Fukuda."


The day my brother was arrested, I was asking myself. Why did I believe every single thing he said? Why did I let him decieve me? Why did I fall to those dirty lies?

Apparently, my brother was a founder of an illegal online gambling site. Further investigation also revealed that-

He was the one who killed our mother.

I haven't had the slightest memory of her. She was killed when I was still 2 years old. I was raised alone by my father with my brother.

The moment I heard that he murdered our mother, I didn't feel any anger nor hatred at all. Instead, I was still looking up to my brother, in spite of the crimes he did.

He always told me that he was working in the government to catch the bad guys. He told me that he's the greatest employee they have. He lied.

I always wanted to be like him. To follow his every footstep, and make him proud. And that's exactly why, in spite of all the lies he told me-

I still aspired to be like him.

Instead of only being outstanding with a computer, I wanted to become the first thing he became.

A killer.


September 16, 2035

"Kinoshita Minoru, the highest ranking killer, Hamasaki Aia, has invited you to the Killer Circle."

"We, the Heralds of the East, are here to deliver that message."

"We are the killer twins of the Killer Circle. Ikeda Aina-"

"And Ikeda Ainu."

"We are here to invite you to join the growing association of the Killer Circle."

"You have received an invitation from the Heralds of the East. Will you accept, or not? Killer Kinoshita Minoru?"



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