Chapter I

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Asteroids filled the galaxy's sky, hundreds of thousands scattered upon the stars. A girl in a starfighter glides her way through the field slowly as if she's hiding from someone. She wasn't born to be a pilot but she believes that she has to at least be able to fly starfighters mainly to support the Resistance.

A secretive and private military force, risen from the remnants of The Rebel Alliance. Vow to bring peace back to the galaxy when an order had risen from the ashes of Empire. They call themselves The First Order. The First Order are cruel, rips apart planets and its people.

They had risen up so quickly, the galaxy haven't really got the chance to breathe. Visions of huge Star Destroyers was projected in her mind. It was nothing like she'd ever seen before. What would the galaxy be like if The First Order hadn't risen?, she thought to herself.

She had learned most of her piloting skills from the galaxy's best pilot and one of her best friend, Poe Dameron. He truly is the best out of his squadron. He usually trains her on a asteroid field cause it's the best place to test your skills since Asteroids can act up as starships to reimagine being on a battle. At least that's what he'd told her based on his experiences in The New Republic Navy. They set their weapons to stun and they would chase each other, trying to hit one another. It was a fun activity for both of them. But today, the girl was awed by the view in front of her. Lots of blues, violets, and even oranges.

She turns her X-wing on a huge asteroid when suddenly, a blast of stun comes at her. She immediately avoided it. Barely. As she calms herself from the sudden attack, Poe lets out a little chuckle. "You better watch your wing next time, Rey. Never let you guard down".  The girl snaps herself out her daydreaming. "Sorry, Poe. You know I don't go out often. The view from up here is amazing." 

"I know. But there isn't any time for you to be awed in the middle of battle. You need focus", Poe said to her. Somewhere deep down, he knows the view is not the only thing distracting her. BB-8, Poe's co-pilot droid teases lightly at Rey's co-pilot droid, R2-Q2. Q2 beeps in protest, not accepting defeat. "Ah, come Kyutoo. It's just training. Don't be so dramatic over it", Rey told her droid friend. The droid beeps once again but this time he's certainly rolling his lenses with just through his taunt.

"Are you okay?", Poe asked. "You seem...pretty out of it".  He's starting to notice how more unfocused Rey is through his pilot comlink. Rey puts her X-wing on a steady beat. Poe did the same just so he could speak with his friend much easier. "Sorry, I got distracted. I...", she mumbled. "Nevermind. Should we try that again?", Rey said again shortly.

"Not until you're focused", he paused. "Is it your thoughts? Or...maybe....another vision?"

R2-Q2 beeps frantically, agreeing with Poe.

Rey could only wonder how the in galaxy can her friends always guessed right every time she looks distracted. For their defense, Rey had been bothered by her visions quite often this last couple of weeks. Funny how she had disconnected herself from the force yet she's still having visions and nightmares of either the past or the future. It is not possible, or so she thought. Perhaps the force is trying to tell her something. Nothing really changed after she left her Jedi Order.

"Kinda both, I saw what the First Order would become if we don't stop them and I don't know what to do about it. I don't even know how the force is doing this. I've disconnected myself from it. How am I still getting these visions?", Rey said frustrated.

"I don't want to imagine it but you probably might wanna ask those questions to someone who actually knows the force...and not me?", Poe said trying not to sound like a pain in the ass.

"I know, I know. But, I don't want my mom to plead me back into the Jedi Order, cause I'm never going back."

"How about we take a break for awhile? Let your mind relax for a bit. Glide away with the stars?", Poe suggested.

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