Chapter VII

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Through the hall way of the Star Destroyer, EN-815 was walking rapidly. She thought a lot about what she's about to do and how she can't get caught. She made her way to the holding cell and quickly search for Poe's cell. Her heart was beating fast, even faster than her steps. When she finally found Poe's cell, she took out her ID and slide it through the identification port. The cell door whooshes open after it revealed a green light notifying her that her ID got accepted. She promptly enters the holding cell.

She could see Poe still shackled and strapped to his restraining rigs. But when she looks at his right, there was a stormtrooper guarding the prisoner. She was surprised but quickly thinks about what she coulddo or say to make the guard leave the room. Poe must be a valuable prisoner to Ren if he got an extra security holding him. "Ren wants the prisoner", she simply said with coldness in her voice. The guard glanced at her. "What's you identification number?", he asked, masking sure she's one of his own. "EN-815", she replied hoping he would leave as soon as she answered. Poe moves slowly to see the trooper. He is in pain as the guard unshackles him, he can for sure wait for what Ren will do to him.

When the guard exited the holding cell, she grabbed Poe by the arm and starts dragging him outside. She was good at covering any suspicion since Poe was sure the trooper was dragging him to get him beaten up by Kylo Ren one last time. I'm sorry if I won't make it home in time, he thought to himself as if his friends could hear him. An exhausted, handcuffed Poe is walked down the corridor by the the trooper quietly. He didn't try to rebel because the trooper holding him had a blaster pointed at his body. "Turn here", she said abruptly and Poe helplessly follows.

They turn into a narrow passageway and the trooper suddenly stopped. Poe was confused with her actions straightaway. As they're in the dark and no one can see them, she started to whisper at him. "Listen carefully, you do exactly as I say. I can get you out of here".

"If -- what--?", Poe asked confused, not understanding what's this trooper is trying to say. EN-815 sighs. "This is a rescue, I'm helping you escape", she paused for a moment. "Can you fly a TIE fighter?", she asked since that vehicle maybe the only thing they can escape with. "You with the Resistance-?!"

"What? No no no! I'm breaking you out", she considers him and reaches for her head. "It's me, Poe", she finally pulls off her helmet. It revealed Zori Bliss, Poe long last friend from Kimiji. They've met when were only about 16 or 17 years old and became partners on their spice running days with their other crewmates. That was when Poe decided to leave his father in the rebellion and started the life of his own. But when he realized the rebellion is his home, he quickly went back to his father and became the greatest pilot the New Republic Navy has ever seen.

His mother unfortunately died after he turned 8 and his father died in the battle of Preuxium. Leia and his parents were close. She was close with them than any other in the Rebel Alliance, that must be the reason Poe must've seen Leia as his own mother. But then Poe got snapped back into reality. "Zorii? Zorii Bliss?", Poe squealed excitedly. "How did you end up here?! Where are the others?"

Zori shushes Poe, trying to cover his lips. "You're going to get us caught", she exclaimed but Poe seems to be distracted by the sight of her lips. They may have some unfinished business when Poe left her so sudden all those years ago. She tries to keep his eyes at hers by shaking him lightly. "Are you even listening?", she asked directly.

But she didn't want to make the situation awkward so she changed the topic instantly. "Can you fly a TIE fighter?", she pressed. "I can fly anything", Poe finally answered and seems to focus. "Why are you helping me? I left you, I thought you were mad at me", he continued. "Still am", she replied directly. "But it's the right thing to do."

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