Chapter III

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Rey, BB-8, and Poe run through the sands of Jakku. A surge of relived went through them when they saw Han and Finn. They're okay, Rey said to herself. The First Order Division Transport had already landed making them have to take out their weapons. Rey took out her blaster that Han gave her earlier while her trusted staff is slinging over her shoulder and across her torso. So does her friends, ach and everyone of them are busy with their own tools. Poe and Han take out their blaster while Finn takes out his Mandalorian sword made out of Beskar, the strongest metal in the galaxy.

They almost made it to the White Wing, but stormtroopers had already firing against them. It was intense. When Han saw they were about to blow up The White Wing to prevent their escape, he immediately put his wrist close to his face. "Chewie, Rose, abandon ship. They're targeting it", through the comlink, he said.

Chewie moaned as a reply, refusing to let go of his second favorite ship."It's okay, both of you, just get out of there, now!", Han said practically screaming his head out. Chewie roared again, confirming him and then finally, following Han's order. Chewie carried Rose, to make them move quicker and exited the ship. As they reached outside's fresh air, Chewie puts Rose on the ground and they blast the nearby troopers. Just seconds after they left, the White Wing blew up, leaving them with no transport home.

That left everyone stunned, especially Rey. "How did they do that?", she asked. Their weapons are able to destroy a ship made out of Beskar. "I don't know. Escape now, talk later", Han reminded. He glides away trying to lead the others to safety.

"What are we going to do?", Rose asked panicky since her head is empty of ideas. "They're after the map. Kylo Ren is going to be here any minute", Rey stated. The whole thing was chaotic. Screamings scattered upon the fields. Women, children, and men's voices echoed, making horrible sounds of a massacre.

Looking at the locals struggling to fight back, Finn really wants to fight and help. "We obviously have no choice but to fight". Chewie roared agreeing with Finn. His heart always has a soft spot for helping people in distress. "No, the four of you, find a solution to get us out of this mess. We'll cover you and help the locals", Han said as he gesturing to Chewie. All of them nodded and they went to the nearest stack of supply crates and hid themselves there. BB-8 followed along.


In the middle of their discussion, Poe interrupts. He thought hard about what he's about to say. "You guys go, I'll take it from here", he told them without wasting any time. BB-8 beeps, disagreeing with Poe's reckless choice."It's gonna be alright, BeebeeAte. You worry too much". BB-8 beeps again, this time he sounded more like lecturing him not to do his stupid plan.

"Poe, you're not crazy, are you?" Finn asked. Though it wasn't new to him that his friend would always pick the most reckless plan he could think of. "We're not leaving you behind", Rose added. The Resistance can never lose such a valuable fighter, and for her case, her friend.

Then came a voice he's used to arguing to. "What are you going to do?", Rey asked him as if challenging him to tell her his crazy plan this time. "Distract them", he told them like it was something easy for him to do. "By yourself? There's no way you're able to do that alone", Finn tries to talk him out of it.

"Guys, think about it. If they caught me, they'll focus on me more and if they only spotted me as a suspicion to them, you'll have a free escape. All the troopers who saw you guys are already dead anyway, right?". He wasn't wrong. All of them working together fighting off stormtroopers never fails. They work better as a team, they all know that. But somewhat, Poe is making a very good sense. "He does have a point. But, surely there's another way", Rose told her friends.

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