Chapter IV

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Lieutenant Mitaka approaches Kylo Ren at the bridge with a data he'd want to be notify about. After using First Order's advanced technology of identification protocol, which can be reported from a hologram, revealed Resistance fighters in the south side of Tuanul Village.

When he arrived beside Kylo Ren, he spoke, shakily. "Sir, we've detected a group of Resistance fighters heading for the west. Should we after them?", Mitaka said waiting for his orders. "Who were they?"

Mitaka gulps. He draws his breath to speak sternly in front of his superior. "The King of Alderaan and a girl along with her two friends. A droid was also with them. The results are still coming in, sir", Mitaka reported. "The prisoner must be their pilot". The King of Alderaan and a girl, Kylo Ren repeated it in his head. His dad, Han Solo, must've decided to take a part in Resistance's mission this time. But the girl? He only got more curious the more she was mentioned. "What girl? What is her identification?"

Mitaka looks at his transmitter, as it reveals more background about the people it'd scanned.
"We just got a confirmation that she's the Princess of Mandalore, sir."

Looks like he was right. It is her. Suddenly, Kylo ignites his red lightsaber. He turns away from Mitaka and slashes at the console in front of him. Mitaka reacts, a shocked expression decorated his face. He instantly looks away and winces. Kylo hated the fact that the Princess of Mandalore had to interfere. This might affected his plans. The horrible sounds of Kylo's rage continues.

Finally, after few more seconds of Kylo slashing the consoles intensely, Mitaka braced himself and looks up. The metallic wall behind Kylo is ripped with glowing red scars. "Anything else?", Kylo asked with a calm voice.

That escalated quickly, Mitaka thought, before answering. "N-no, sir. That's all the news I have for now...Should we deploy a squadron after them?", he suggested. "I'm certain the map is with them. We'll easily get the hold of it in no time".

But rather, Kylo Ren took the 'trust the process' approach. "There's no need to do that now. Use the advantages we have", he paused and eventually continued. "Extract the information from the Resistance pilot. We don't know for sure if they have the map. Let them think they have the chance to escape us. They're not going anywhere just yet. Stand by".  Kylo also knows the concept of rebellion. As long as there's sun, hope lives on the galaxy.
"Yes, sir", Mitaka responded, shortly.


In the Finalizer, First Order's command Star Destroyer, Poe shackled as he's ushered from the transport through the hangar. He is awed by the imposing white and black space. For a organazation that kills and destroys people and planets, it sure has beautiful interiors. "All right. All right!", he said as the two troopers force him to walk faster.

That one hesitant stormtrooper passes them and moves fast, looking overwhelmed even though the massacre was already over. She enters a dark vehicle and then she removes her helmet. She just needed to breath fresh air for a little while.

With the helmet removed, it reveals EN-815. She is 25 and likeable. But in this moment, she's completely terrified and desperate. After a beat, someone appeared behind her. It's her Captain. Her heart felt like it's ripping out of her chest. Afraid that she going to get reprogrammed. Or even worse, Brainwash. It was a horrible experience and she would do anything but to be brainwashed again. Captain Phasma enters. EN-815 knows for all that matter, she's in trouble.

"EN-815. Submit your blaster for inspection", Phasma told her, without any disappointment in her mechanical voice. "Yes, Captain", she simply replied but shaking. "And who gave you permission to remove that helmet?"

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