Chapter XI

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Back on Resistance base, pilots are inspecting their star fighters and crafts, including Snap, Nien Nunb, and Poe. Mechanics are making a few adjustments as crews fuel up the jets. Ground controllers move ships into takeoff formation while pilots started to prep their ships, including BB-8, who is pulled into Poe's black-stripped X-wing. 

Finn approaches Poe, whose finally wearing his Mandalorian Armor. Poe slaps Finn's shoulder gently as he heads off. They didn't say anything to each other but they gazed one another as if saying 'goodluck'. He watches Poe and they let out a little smile before Finn walks toward Chewie. The Wookie and Finn follow Han's orders as they prepare the Falcon for one more daring run, maybe her last. "Chewie, Finn, check that donal capitator", Han ordered while Chewie groaned as a reply and they head off. 

Han was left alone in front of the falcon considering what he may have missed preparing his ship. But then between all the quietness, he hears the voice of Leia. "No matter how much we fought, I've always hated watching you leave", she said as Han looks over to her. "That's why I did it. So you'd miss me", he replied, moving closer to her. She laughs. 

He missed that. Ever since their son turned to the dark side, he rarely heard her laugh. It seems like nothing could ever make her truly happy again since then. Han would do anything to see her smile one more time. "I love you", she said finally saying it regardless of all the craziness that's been happening. He looks at her, and says sweetly, out of the blue. "Some things never change."

"True. You still drive me crazy", Leia told him as she's remembering the times where they would go on adventures together. The old times where they'd succeeded to defeat the emperor and his apprentice, Darth Vader, which later she found out that he was her father. It was a lot to take in but she managed herself onto accepting the truth. 

"I know", Han replied shortly. "I love you, too". He places his hands on her shoulders, gazing to her eyes deeply, showing his vulnerability. They both know there's a good chance he won't make it back. Han and Leia pull each other tight, holding for dear life, quietly and longingly. "If you see our son again...bring him home", she whispered softly to him.


Meanwhile on Starkiller Base, stormtroopers are scattered all over the place, looking for the prisoner that had escaped. She must still be in the station, he can feel it. 

The connection between them earlier felt so strong and raw. Kylo could almost feel her presence right beside him, but she isn't. He must get to her before she escaped. "Sir, sensors triggered in hangar 718. We're searching the area", one of his troopers reported. 

"She's just regaining her powers", he said. "The longer it takes to find her, the more dangerous she becomes". He immediately heads off, trying to locate her through the force. But it was no use, she's out of his reach.

After they finished their preparation, the Falcon is ready to take off. Han said his goodbyes before he entered the falcon's cockpit. "You ready?", he asked his co-pilot. Chewie only roared to informed him. The Falcon screams past stars and clouds. In just seconds she was already jumping into lightspeed and flying through its flowy atmosphere.

"How are we getting in?", Finn promptly asked. "Their shields have a fractional refresh rate. Keeps anything traveling slower than lightspeed from getting through", Han told his small crew. That doesn't sound right, Finn thought to himself, his head filled with questions on how are they going to pull the impossible act off. "We're gonna make our landing approach at lightspeed?!", he exclaimed. 

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