Chapter VI

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After jumping out of hyperspace, Han and Chewie landed the Meson steadily at the Resistance base behind Mandalore and Alderaan Palace. On their way inside, Rey, Rose, and Finn walked alongside each other. Han and Chewie were still checking the Meson if she got any damage from the First Order's tractor beam.

Finn and Rose were talking while Rey just stared at the ground beneath her. "Hey, you okay?", Rose puts her hand in Rey's shoulder gently when she and Finn noticed Rey's sudden quietness. "You joined our chit-chat on our way home", Finn added curiously.

"Is it your visions again?", Rose asked again but Rey just shook her head. "It's Poe. Do you think he'll be okay?", she asked while looking up to her friends. "I hope so", Finn answered. "But there's nothing Poe can't do so I'm sure he's alright". Rose only nodded as a sign she agrees with Finn entirely. "No, guys. I sensed him abroad the Star Destroyer", Rey informed. "I'm afraid they'll do something to him".

"Well, it was apart of his reckless plan", Finn pointed out.

"Yeah, at least his plan worked", Rose added.

"Why aren't you guys freaking out about this?"

"Like Finn said, there's nothing Poe can't do. I'm sure he's alright"

"Look I'll say this if it makes you feel better. We'll save him if he hasn't return for the next 10 hours", Finn told her. "Or maybe a lot earlier than that, you know what I mean."

"I get you mean", Rey smiled and nodded. "Alright, I'll stop worrying. Let's get this map to the command center"


They immediately headed inside and call in Senator Garr, Athena, and Leia to the command center along with C-3PO. Han and Chewie was just behind them when they were about to enter the room. Then a droid's voice came to greet them. "Welcome back home!", C-3PO said happily. Leia, Athena, and Tay-Linn were just behind him. "Is the mission a success?", Leia said, eager to hear all about it.

"It is", Han told them. "We got worried when we lost the connection to White Wing", Athena addressed. "The First Order did found us and blew up White Wing but thanks to the disguises we weren't spotted". But Han's answer didn't satisfy Tay-Linn enough. He got worried if someone follow them here. "Did someone spotted you on the way back, though?", Tay-Linn quickly added. "Unfortunately, someone did", Rey told them.

"Who?", Tay-Linn asked and terror flashes in his eyes. "And where's Poe?", Leia added when she noticed Poe's not with them. Something is going on here and she had no doubt that it was Poe's idea to do something crazy. "Now, that's the problem", Rose said. "What do you mean?", Athena asked. "Poe got captured but he'll be alright. But, the First Order is behind our tail. They're going to be here any second. We need to put the map in a safe place, quick", Han informed them.

"The First Order followed you here?", Leia questioned with frustration in her voice. They have move quickly to get the information about the map before the First Order gets here.
"And we must save him. Something tells me the First Order might have some information from him, they'll use him to their advantage", Finn told her. The room becomes silent.

Rey acts to break the silence and approached BB-8 as she presses a button to access his inventory port. She takes the map and gave it directly to C-3PO. "Let's give the map a closer look", Rey told her droid friends. BB-8 agrees and C-3PO takes the data device from Rey's hand and inserts it into a base computer. The projected map appeared in a hologram form promptly. They all are studying it, dispirited.

"General, I regret to inform you", C-3PO said suddenly. "But this map recovered from BeebeeAte is only partially complete". All the colors in everybody faces faded as soon as they hear C-3PO's announcement. "And even worse, it matches no charted system on record. We simply do not have enough information to locate Master Luke", C-3PO continued.

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