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i turn around and am slightly surprised to see harper's bright, excited eyes staring back at me.

"hey," i say softly.

"hi. can i sit here?" she motions to the barstool next to me.

i hide my shock and nod a little bit. john nudges my side from the other stool next to me, but i ignore it.

"harper," he says loud enough for her to hear.

she turns to face him with a smile. "hi, john. good to see you."

"right back at you. can i get you something to drink?"

being in the middle of this flirt session, i feel slightly awkward. the bartender comes over with an expectant face, and i tell him quietly that i want a godfather with ice.

harper laughs quietly. "thank you for the offer, but i don't really drink."

john sighs a little, showing off his clear disappointment. "you sure? you won't even drink the fruity stuff that most women like?"

wrong. words.

i suck in a sharp breath. as soon as someone implies that harper is weak or just a basic girl, she gets incredibly defensive and will go to extreme lengths to prove that she's not.

"actually," harper seethes through a smile. "i'll take straight whiskey. with some orange rinds."

"harper," i lean over quietly and whisper. "that's strong stuff. are you sure—"

"alright," john smiles triumphantly to the bartender. "whiskey over ice, please."

she's going to hate it, no doubt in my mind.

something tells me john knew exactly what would push her buttons to order a drink, and that for some reason makes me uncomfortable.

my drink in a small glass gets placed in front of me, and i nod a thank you. i quickly down it, despite the dull and bitter taste.

harper stares at the whiskey glass and inspects it closely.

"you gonna drink it or stare at it?" john pokes playfully, picking up his beer in a glass bottle.

she carefully brings the glass to her lips, and takes the tiniest sip known to man. her face scrunches up immediately after, and i hear john chuckle a little bit.

of course that feeds her rage.

before she can dip the glass back entirely, i wait until john turns away to switch our two drinks. now her's looks empty, and mine looks full.

she sends me a look of gratitude, and john turns his attention back on her. his eyebrows furrow a little when he sees that she "finished" her drink.

"what's wrong with yours, ethan?" john starts to pick on me. "can't take it?"

"nope," i force myself to say through gritted teeth. "it's too strong for me. i think i'll just have water for the rest of the night."

"can i get you another one, harper?"

thankfully, harper quickly and politely declines his offer, saying she has somewhere to be. she slides off the barstool, and disappears into the crowd.

thanks to john, i now have no one to talk to.

shaking my head, i drink from harper's switched glass after john leaves to mingle some more. i do eventually just end up ordering only water for the next hour, sitting and watching everyone.

"i should just go home," i mumble to myself and start to head for the door.

right as i'm about to slip out, a voice calls my name.

i turn around. "hey, harper."

she tilts her head, looking at me confusedly. "leaving so soon? there's an open bar, i thought you'd like that."

i shift on my feet. "yeah... it was nice. i'm just a little tired."

"so you have no one to talk to?"

i roll my eyes and start to turn back to the door.

"i'm kidding," she giggles, grabbing ahold of my arm. "seriously. don't go."

"i have... plants to water."

harper doesn't look convinced, and it hits me that she will most likely not be letting me go that easily.

"fine," i sigh, scanning the group of chatty people. "i'll stay."

"good. wanna walk around with me?"

i give in and let her take me around the room, engaging in fun conversation with everyone that greets her. i find myself laughing often, and looking to see harper's reaction as soon as someone cracks a joke.

even if it's not funny, she laughs as if it is, just to make them feel good.

after talking to practically everyone, we find ourselves back at the bar again— thankfully without john's annoying presence this time.

we both order sprites and crack them open at the same time.

"your little stunt got me in trouble with bentley today," she says, a small smile playing on the corner of her lips.

"what stunt?" i act innocent and oblivious.

"god," she laughs loudly. "you're annoying. but seriously, i got a personal email about how i disturbed the peace and made everyone lose their train of thought for a couple minutes. all because of some laughter. can you believe that?"

shrugging, i take a sip of the fizzy soda. "didn't disturb me."

she gives me a look that i can't quite decipher. it's like she's trying to read more into me. "what are you doing tomorrow?"

i mentally check my schedule. "nothing. why?"

"well, there's this conference about businesses in today's society, and bentley said i didn't have to take you with me, since it'll be with no note taking. but, i'll be kind of bored alone so..."

"are you asking me out?" i tease, totally joking.

"no," she quickly says. "no. it's for work. i just... i thought that maybe it would be less boring if you came with, but if you're busy then—"

"harper," i interject her rambling. "i'd be happy to go with you. i was kidding."

she lets out a breath of relief and dips back the soda can as if it was a shot.

"what time is it?"

"from noon to three, i think? i don't know. i can text to the address and meet you there."

"i can pick you up," i offer.

"you don't have to do that."

"but i will."

she tilts her head again. "fine. pick me up at 11:30."

"done," i say, holding out my soda can.

she clinks it with hers.

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