Chapter Two

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The next day after class ended, you and Mirae went to the university's library to work on your assignment. Your friends, Keonhee and Jungwoo, joined you both after their own classes ended.

"They gave you an assignment two weeks before the tests?" Keonhee asks in disbelief. "You should've taken economics like Jungwoo and I."

"The assignment is actually really helpful for the test," Mirae states while highlighting some information in her textbook. "And we're already 3rd year business students. Besides, economics is so boring."

"Assignment or no, Mirae will top her class again as usual," Jungwoo says, earning an 'I know right' from you.

"By the way," Keonhee starts, "Did something happen between you and Seonghwa today, Jena?"

"I didn't see him today," you reply, looking up at him from your notebook. "Why?"

"Oh, he just looked really down in class today," Keonhee says, making you quite curious.

Jungwoo nods his head lightly. "Yeah, I noticed that as well. He wasn't really paying much attention in class today."

"Oh, I don't know," you say softly. "I'll go meet him later."


"Jongho, I'm home!" you yell while taking your shoes off at the entrance of your apartment. Jongho moved in with you a year ago after your roomate graduated. You lived in a small, posh neighborhood right next to your university. In fact, the residents of most of the houses and apartments here were all college students from your university.

Jongho hands you a glass of juice. "Get ready, Jena, we're going to mom and dad's place."

"Why?" you question.

He shrugs. "I don't know. Why? Do you have other plans?"

"I was supposed to meet Seonghwa in a while," you reply. "When do we have to leave?"

"Now since it'll take an hour to reach," he answers. "You know how dad will react if we're late."

You nodded, heading to you room to get ready while Jongho studied for a bit.


"Ah, my beloved children!" your mother squeals, pulling you and Jongho into a hug once you both entered the luxurious house where you both, of course, grew up in. "You both came at the right time. I just finished making dinner!"

"I told your mom not to call you here on a college night," your father says. "But she never listens."

"That's alright, dad," you chuckle. "We don't have college for the next two days."

"Why not?"

"One of the professors, who taught in our university for nearly forty years, passed away this morning," Jongho answers.

"Oh, I heard about that in the news," your mother remarks. "He contributed a lot to your university."

You helped your mom bring the dishes she made to the dining table while your father and brother spoke to each other.

"Ah, Kimchi stew!" Jongho says happily before taking a deep inhale. "It smells amazing as always, mom!"

While you were eating, your phone kept buzzing. You knew it was from the group chat. You sneakily took your phone out from your pocket.

Party tomorrow at Song Mingi's and Jeong Yunho's house!

I know the couple throws the best parties, but no way
I'm not going
We have exams in two weeks!


Who cares about exams?
I'm going
Need that free food, you know?

Oh gosh
Jena, are you going?

I'm going

Of course you are
Oh well
Looks like I'm in too

Haha yay!!!
I knew you'd give in

You put the group on mute for a few hours before putting your phone back into your pocket. It looked like you were listening to whatever your parents were saying, but you were actually thinking about what to wear for tomorrow night.


End of Chapter Two.

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