Chapter Three

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"Don't get drunk," Jongho warns you right before you both reached Yunho and Mingi's house. You could already hear the loud, blasting music.

You raise an eyebrow. "I'm the older sibling, Jongho, you can't tell me what to do."

"You don't even act like you're older," he murmurs under his breath.

"What did you say?" you ask, even though you heard him clearly.

"Nothing," he replies with a sweet smile while you narrowed your eyes at him.

You entered Yunho and Mingi's house while texting your friends that you just arrived.

I'm here
Where are you guys?

I'm leaving home right now
I'll be there in 5

Mirae and I are at the kitchen

Alright, I'm coming

You made your way to the kitchen, pushing past people who were already drunk. You spotted Mirae talking to Yeri while Jungwoo was pouring a drink for himself.

"Hey!" you greet them.

"Hey, Jena! How have you been?" Yeri asks after pulling you into a hug.

"I've been doing well! Seonghwa told me that you got an internship at Mars."

Jungwoo laughs, swaying a bit due to the influence of alcohol.

"Internship at Mars? What the fuck?"

Mirae nearly choked on her drink while Yeri burst out laughing. "Seonghwa's father's company, Jungwoo," Yeri says.

"Ah, babe---Oh, hi guys!"

"Hey, Sannie!" you and Mirae say in unison. San shows you his pretty dimpled smile while he wrapped his arms around Yeri, kissing her head. You and Mirae cooed at the sight. "So cute!"

Meanwhile, Jungwoo was still confused. He took a sip of his drink, eyebrows furrowing. "So is San also going to Mars? Will you both get married there? Shouldn't you get some astronaut training?"

San raised an eyebrow, questioning what he meant. "Don't mind him, he's drunk," you state the obvious. "He's talking about Yeri's internship at Mars."

"Ah, I see," San chuckles.

You poured yourself some whiskey and coke in a red paper cup while talking to Keonhee who had just arrived.

"Aren't you going to go talk to Seonghwa?" Keonhee asks.

"Do I ever talk to him during parties?"

"Right," he mumbles and turned towards San. "Bro, do you have some cigarettes?"

San shook his head. "I don't smoke, but you can ask Mingi or Jongho."

Your eyes widened. "Jongho?!"

San mirrored your expression. "Jena, don't say anything to him, please! I'll be dead meat then."

"Oh, he's gonna be so dead when we get home!" You remembered Jongho telling you how much he hated cigarettes and he even said that he would never try it; what suddenly changed?

A little while later, you finally caught a glimpse of your boyfriend. He was only dressed in black jeans and a plain white t-shirt, yet he looked so damn good. You smiled at the sight of him laughing at whatever some of his friends were saying. However, your smile immediately faltered when he sat down on the sofa and some girl sat on his lap. You immediately recognized that girl; it was Hyerim, your high school classmate. You've seen her fangirling over Seonghwa with the other girls.

You waited for a few seconds to see if Seonghwa would push her off his lap, but he wrapped an arm around her waist instead, making your heart break at the sight.

You finished your drink and without another thought, you made your way towards him. You stopped right in front of him and Hyerim gives you a weird look. On the other hand, Yeosang, Hongjoong, and Wooyoung knew this wasn't going to end well.


End of Chapter Three.

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