Chapter Fifteen

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Two weeks later

You felt like absolute shit. Your friends and Ateez haven't spoken to you in two entire weeks and you knew they weren't going to anytime soon. Mirae didn't sit with you in class, and you had to sit with Hyunsang and his friends for lunch instead; which was really uncomfortable because some of them were making sexual comments about you. Seonghwa didn't even glance in your direction, and it hurt you so much. Jongho made his own food and didn't even come out of his room whenever you were at home; if you were in the living room or kitchen, he would go back to his room.

You were currently sitting with Hyunsang in your university's library, trying to study. Your friends and everyone in Ateez expect Seonghwa were there too, sitting a couple of tables away.

You were feeling a little unwell and your vision was getting a little blurry, but you brushed it off.

A few seconds later, you noticed Seonghwa enter the library . . . with a girl you didn't know. Your heart hurt to see his hand around her waist. He kissed her cheek before they both sat down with the rest. You put your forehead down against your textbook, closing your eyes so that no tears would spill.

"Are you tired, darling?" Hyunsang asks; you hoped he didn't notice you looking at Seonghwa.

You shake your head slightly and he closes his textbook. "Let's get going, it's late anyway." You lift your head up, getting a little dizzy. You put your textbook in your bag before leaving with Hyunsang. Before you left, you noticed Seonghwa and the rest look at you.

After you got out of the library, your head started spinning, and suddenly, everything went black.


"Guys, get the table right beside Ateez," Hyunsang says to his friends: Gon, Chibin, Jingyu, and Hongseob. "We're gonna put on a little show. You know what to say, right?" They nod and do exactly as told. Hyunsang enters the cafeteria a little later.

"Ah, Hyunsang!" Gon says, loud enough for Ateez to hear. "Where's Jena?"

"My apartment," Hyunsang says loud and clear, making the boys whistle and successfully grabbing Ateez's attention.

"What happened last night that she didn't even come to college today, huh?" Jingyu smirks.

"Hey, it's not like that! I was taking care of her."

"Oh, is she sick?" Jingyu asks, even though he knew you fainted yesterday.

"A little bit," Hyunsang states, "She fainted yesterday so I took her to my apartment. I even called my cousin who's a doctor to come see her."

Jongho's heart hurt at that. Ever since he was six years old, whenever you were sick, he would take care of you. Even when you had a cold and your mother would yell at him to stay away so he wouldn't get sick too, he would still stay by your side until you got better.

On the other hand, Seonghwa was extremely concerned about you. He noticed how you were slowly losing weight and looking quite dull. You were wearing hoodies most of the time and also big glasses to hide your very obvious dark circles.

"Wah! You're a great boyfriend, Hyunsang!" Chibin says, clapping his hands.

"Yeah, Jena is very lucky to have you," Hongseob adds.

Yeosang rolls his eyes; to him, it was so obvious that Hyunsang was trying to show off and his minions were acting along with him. He had to control the urge to call them out, for the sake of not creating a scene.

Still, Yeosang knew that something was really fishy.


End of Chapter Fifteen.

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