Chapter Eight

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"What the actual fuck is he doing here?!" Jongho asks, raising his voice. You were confused as to why he was acting that way. Sure, Jongho was very overprotective of you, but he has never acted this way before.

"Oh? Ateez?" Hyunsang says, smirking at them before he turns to look at you.

"You know them?" you question.

"Quite well," he chuckles. "Which one is your brother, darling? Choi San or Choi Jongho?"


"Darling?" Jongho snarls, cutting you off.

Hyunsang winks at you. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

You nod and open the door for him to leave. You closed the door before going to stand right in front of an angry Jongho. "What the fuck was that?" you ask your brother, raising an eyebrow. "I told you he was coming over and you were fine with it."

"You didn't even specify who you were inviting!"

"That doesn't matter, Jongho! You shouldn't treat our guests like that!"

"I don't care," he growls. "Stay away from that fuckboy! He's just trying to use you, can't you see that? And what the hell were you doing with him in your room, Jena?!" You laugh, making him and the rest of the boys look confused.

"I got selected to give a seminar for high school students this week and he's my partner for it," you explain.

"Why did you choose him?"

"The professors decided that," you deadpan.

"Change your partner then!"

You roll your eyes. "No, Jongho. I don't know what shit you have against him, but don't drag me into it!" you spat, and went to your room before he could say anything.

You were just about to close your bedroom door, but someone held the door. He gently pushed the door open and entered your room, closing the door behind him with his foot.

"Jena . . ." your heartbeat sped up.

"Seonghwa," you whisper, looking up at the boy you were still in love with. "What are you doing here?"

"Listen," he sighs. "About Hyunsang, Jongho is just really worried that you'll . . . fall for him."

You snorted. "I'm not stupid to make that mistake again, Seonghwa." Your words hurt him.

He took a step forward, making you take a step backward until your back hit your bathroom door and you gasp at the sudden contact.

"I can't see you with him," Seonghwa confesses. He was so, so close that you could smell his expensive cologne that you love so much. "I can't see you with that bastard who's only trying to get into your pants."

"I want to apologize," he says softly but it was loud enough. "I was an asshole and you really didn't deserve any of that. Gosh, I hate myself for hurting you. I fucked up big time and I only realized how bad it was when I couldn't stop thinking about you, and when I saw you with him."

"What are you trying to say, Seonghwa?"

"I want you to give us another chance," he states. You opened your mouth to say something, but he places a finger against your lips. "Let me finish, please."

"I want to change for you," he continues. "I want to become a better person for you and for myself. You were right, I was too blinded by my popularity. I know what I did to you was unforgivable, but I hope you can forgive me one day and give us a chance . . . or am I too late?"

"I forgive you, Seonghwa," you say honestly. "I'm willing to give us another shot, but I need some time."

"I understand," he states. "I'll prove it to you that I'll be a better person before I ask you to be mine again."

"Okay," you agree.

"But," Seonghwa starts, leaning in. "Can I do this?"


End of Chapter Eight.

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